It’s such a tragedy. It’s so important we protect any land possible we can from development and further degradation. This week, I’m getting involved on the Board of a local Audubon chapter to help local programs focused on conservation and awareness of these types of issues. Anything we can do to help influence policy and make a change can have an impact.
Every other message on here is so depressing (new record of global warming, more animals going extinct, etc.). Just so depressing 😞
On the bright side, everyone can make their own small contribution to make a difference. For example, for people living in a migration corridor, turn off outdoor lighting when not needed to help birds succeed in their migration and to reduce energy waste:
Find something in your area and start making noise about it. Plenty of people care enough to try.
PS - Reducing light pollution will also help fireflies and help preserve night skies. And that’s another tool to use: align people with different interests behind common actions, and it benefits everyone.
Thanks for the positive note.
You’re right. I’m going to start actively searching out positive stories to post.
I am not saying you are wrong or suggesting that you select other types of news to post. I am just noticing a pattern that confirms how much in trouble we are right now, and I feel any actions to counter it are too little and too late and that is depressing.
It’s why alcoholism is at an all time why. Might as well be drunk if you’re going to drown in the Atlantic anyways.
This article lead me down a rabbit trail where, via this article: Help Save Wood Thrush: Drink Bird-Friendly Coffee
I learned about this:
What Is Bird Friendly Coffee?
Bird Friendly® Coffee is Smithsonian Migratory Bird Center (SMBC) certified and represents a gold standard in ethical and sustainable coffee business.
Bird Friendly® Coffee is coffee that comes from family farms in Latin America that provide good, forest-like habitat for birds. Rather than being grown on farms that have been cleared of vegetation, Bird Friendly coffees are planted under a canopy of trees. These trees provide the shelter, food and homes migratory and local birds need to survive.
This morning, I’m really feeling the weight of what we are doing to the world. 😖
But… I was encouraged a bit to see something being done and in a way I wouldn’t have thought.
I’m unable to follow this link. Happen to have the original available?