• 1 Post
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: July 3rd, 2023


  • This is one of the rare times Newsom actually did the right thing with his veto power.

    That bill was written by/for big AI companies to secure their hold on consumer AI and squeeze out open source R&D. If it had passed, the only people who could afford AI R&D would be already-established, rich, greedy corporations with no regard for humanity past the wealth they can extract therefrom.

    Sure, the bill would still be bad for big AI companies in the sense that it would increase their liability and operational costs, but that’d be a small price to pay to eliminate their only competition: free, community-driven, open source development.

  • While I do agree that unity is the way to go in the fight for rights, I can understand why one would want to separate the T from the LGB. It’s an issue of consistency - L, G, and B all describe sexuality, while T describes gender. The two are related, but ultimately separate concepts - one does not inform the other, and grouping them can hypothetically lead ignorant people to think that they are directly related, which could hypothetically lead to non-straight cisfolk experiencing more oppression than they would have otherwise experienced due to the perceived association with transfolk, as non-conforming sexuality is more generally accepted today than non-conforming gender.

    That being said, it’s all hypothetical, and what matters is the reality that people from all spectra of nonconformity are regularly oppressed, and in many places, the oppressors treat anyone LGBT+ with the same disdain. So grouping them is vital for the sake of the most oppressed.