Security Guarantees means putting a NATO (or future equivalent) base at the border with soldiers from all over Europe, anything less than that is not guarantee of fuck all
I doubt that, why would they agree to the cease fire if that was true
PayPal blocked my account in like 2017 or something, never used it again
What is the name of this game, I played it so much as a kid but I always forget the name
Edit: Wacky Wheels, got it though reverse image search
I meant Yanukovych ran away to hide in Russia at the first sign of trouble and Zelensky stayed in Ukraine even with bombs falling on Kyiv
I think he could stab a child fuck the hole and his supporters would still blame the victim for being DEI.
There is no dirt that sticks to that greasy fuck.
Media? What about the fucking US military and intelligence services?
I mean, where is the guy hiding right now? Where is Zelensky?
Understandable but I would not visit a friend in North Korea or Russia either
You are European, you have so many nice countries to visit, why would you go to the US, you kinda had it coming
Have you watched the same video as I did? That’s American diplomacy, why would we need that?
I don’t think there are sources as this is more of a slang, but saying “someone is Z” has been synonymous of saying someone is Russia aligned.
I never seen it used in the context that the OP is describing
If the Europe had any sense of self respect the US embassies would be closing everywhere right now just like the russian ones.
And his most heroic act was not punching the old fart in the teeth
Elon Musk is like Dan Brown’s books, what he says can only seem smart if you know nothing about the subject
I think you are confusing the word robot with the word android
Are you saying the Switch “1” was not hacked?
A raffle for US residents to have the privilege of buying a graphics card? Yeah that will solve the problem lol
Who would have guessed that song was an apocalyptic warning