Could not find how to do it with qpdf
or pdftk
or even a gui tool.
Solution pdftk A=oldpdf.pdf cat A output newpdf.pdf
This removes all metadata and also the attachments.
gs -o noimage.pdf -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -dFILTERIMAGE input.pdf
can’t test it right now though.
I forget exactly what I did, but I think I used okukar. It showed the attachments then it just selected them all and copied them to the desktop.
It might have been one of the web browsers, but I’m pretty sure it was okular as i couldn’t do it on windows.
If you have a better solution, please let me know.
I am talking about removing them from pdf. For extracting them this works
pdftk [pdf_file.pdf] unpack_files
.I’ve used LibreOffice Draw before to remove content from PDF files without reprinting
Yes but in my case the pdf file is big and I libreoffice draw hangs. Also i found another solution (added that to post).
Oh in that case. Let me look up an open source tool I’ve used for PDFs before. It might be able to do it.
It’s called pdfsam.
I’m not sure if it can do what you are asking, but I think it will do the trick.
You might be able to use the convert function of ffmpeg to extract the pages as png and then recreate a new pdf from the pngs that were extracted, but this may not work for your specific file.
Code Industry Master PDF does use open source tools. Sadly source code only available for paid user. 😂
Slightly shorter:
pdftk old.pdf cat output new.pdf
Im interested what people recommend. If you dont find any, what about just printing to another pdf file? Wouldnt that remove attachments?
I found much easier solution,
pdftk A=oldpdf.pdf cat A output newpdf.pdf
. This removes all metadata and also the attachments.
Just a guess, but can LibreOffice open, edit, then save as (or at least print to) PDF?
LibreOffice Draw can do that but you have to make sure the font and margins are right or else the formatting gets messed up.
You might try printing the PDF as a PDF.
That worked but it removed bookmarks. I added solution to the post.
is what you want, I believe. It’s in thepoppler-utils
package in Debian.Sorry, but that is for image extraction.