Time to start titrating off of them, because when he makes them illegal, if you’re still at your full dose, going off SSRIs cold turkey is extremely dangerous.
I just want to put this out there for anyone who finds themselves in this type of situation. If for some reason you’re titrating down or have suddenly run out of your SSRIs you can take Benadryl to help with the buzzing and brain zaps. I can confirm this works as I have done it in the past.
Time to start titrating off of them, because when he makes them illegal, if you’re still at your full dose, going off SSRIs cold turkey is extremely dangerous.
I just want to put this out there for anyone who finds themselves in this type of situation. If for some reason you’re titrating down or have suddenly run out of your SSRIs you can take Benadryl to help with the buzzing and brain zaps. I can confirm this works as I have done it in the past.
Yeah, discontinuation syndrome kind of feels like your head is full of angry bees.
I don’t think he can just ban my meds, but who the fuck knows.