• Whitehorse@feddit.uk
    2 years ago

    I’m probably going to get boo’ed but fuck it.

    A little build up first, I’ve always been a reader, started with elementary and Dr.Seuss and the like, then paperbacks that were horror like Stephen King, Brian Lumley, Clive Barker, etc, because that’s what my mother loved to read so I’d barrow all her books after she’d read them, going to school was also assigned reading stuff like The Diary of Ann Frank, Of Mice and Men, Animal Farm, then I got older, moved out of the house and got married and then started buying paperbacks of my own on ScFi and Fantasy, also discovered Clive Cussler with his the Dirk Pitt novels, then probably around ‘96-‘97 I discovered Terry Pratchett and his Discworld.

    So, with all of that, one day I found myself all alone, stuck in the house because of flooding and it was one of the worst floods to date, so bad, that it washed out this massive oak, by its dive it had to have been at least 100 years old, which knocked down the power line to our home, so I’m not only stuck but without electricity (too poor, at that time, to buy a gas power generator), and without any good books to read, most books I’d give away to other family members poorer than me, so the only books I kept were an old set of encyclopedias from the late ‘70’s ( my parents got them for me when I was kid, so it was sentimental to me) and some cook books. And then one old bible.

    Well, my family never took us to church, though both parents were raised that way. My parents also never had anything bad to say about organized religion, my mother though always had a deep curiosity for all religions, so that bible, got thrown in a box, with a lot of her old paperback horror books she’d collect up and then wait for me to come visit and then give to me to take home.

    And trust me; I had already been alone in the flood for a week (and BTW: I was stuck & without power for three and a half weeks that way), I even tried reading that old set of Britannica encyclopedias, but they were so old that the dust mites were now destroying my sinuses , so I moved on to that bible ( it was old but no where near as old as the encyclopedias), because at this point why not!?

    So, now, to end this long-ass story: I read Revelations and it worried & also scared the crap out of me, none of the horror books I’d read before bothered me like that, and the biggest take-a-way I got from it all: People who aren’t religious feel religions are a bunch of woo, and I’m not judging anyone, but Revelations, if you look at it, but not in a religious way, just as an impartial observer, it’s stating an apocalypse, an apocalyptic event, it’s even describing Climate Collapse. “Locusts with heads like horses and stingers in their tails, And a third of the stars fell from the heavens, And a third of the oceans ran red with blood (red tide), and just more catastrophic doom and gloom.