I continued through Far Cry 3 today. I got like a good 1/3 of the map filled out. It’s interesting to think that a map of that size was once considered a “big” game map, and now it’s almost kind of dwarfed.
I ended up doing this Acid trip sequence that was almost Alice in Wonderland feeling. From what i’ve heard the game takes heavy inspiration from Alice in Wonderland so that’s probably why.
The same mission has you going up to this house up on a hill to see if one of your friends are there. The whole house had a series of pretty views and was gorgeous to look at. Here are some more examples:
Finally, I also got this bow (free landscape included as a bonus), and i have to say that it’s probably one of the most OP weapons i’ve used. As long as i can hit my shots enemies go down instantly and with little to no sound. I can use it too take out snipers and clear the way for me to take over and outpost, all without alerting any one else.
The bow was my entire reason to play this game
I put a marksman’s scope on it today and it’s like one of the best weapons in my arsenal. It’s so satisfying to use