8 years ago the spring weather was different. It drizzled almost every day. It was cloudy. Now we have these clear sunny days, big winds and scant rain.
8 years ago the spring weather was different. It drizzled almost every day. It was cloudy. Now we have these clear sunny days, big winds and scant rain.
I was blown away when my die-hard Republican boomer dad said he thinks climate change is real. There’s a pond behind our house, and he can remember how big it used to get in the rainy season and how small it used to get in the dry season. Now, during the rainy season it comes up to the backdoor, and during the dry season it’s not there at all. If he can still trust his own eyes over what the TV tells him to think, maybe there’s still some hope for the world.
Question is, does he believe in man made climate change? I ask because I’ve seen some people agree that climate change is real after denying it for so long, but they still don’t think it’s because of humans. Sooooo close but just not getting there.
I’m with your dad on this. There’s just too much profit in lying. And people are too willing to swallow whatever is waved in their face and repeat it as gospel.
These days, you can only trust your own eyes. That’s science.