I’ve been on 20mg of Methylphenidat in the mornings since autumn and would always feel a strong surge of energy and focus hitting ~1h after taking them and carrying me for a couple of hours.
It felt wonderful. I’d be eager and focused to get tasks done and felt like I could accomplish anything.
But a few weeks ago I noticed the effect was getting weaker. On some days I’d still feel a small boost of energy and concentration but on other days I hardly notice anything.
When I started taking meds I completely cut out caffeine but have gradually started to drink coffee again. Now I notice that I seem to develop a strong craving for caffeine because it provides a noticeable boost, as a substitute for the effect my meds used to give me. But I worry that consuming caffeine regularly could have negative effects on my coronary health.
I’d be curious to hear other people’s experiences in this regard.
Yes, you need to take drug holidays. Increasing the dosage gives you only little respite while increasing the side effects.
Yes, increasing the dosage seemed futile because I’d expect the effects to eventually wear off again as well. I didn’t know drug holidays were a thing but I’m seeing my psychiatrist this week and can discuss it with them.
Increase the dose or take a break for up to two weeks. Not taking meds on the weekend is worth a try as well.
Talk to your doctor. [Medical] advice from the strangers on the internet is not accurate and factual. My experience is that my meds help me focus but unlike the early days they don’t make me euphoric.
First, talk to your doctor.
That’s a short-acting medication. I forget the half-life, but I know it’s not very long.
I’m surprised your doc prescribed a single dose per day - there’s practically no way for it to last that long (without side effects or having a high spike and then low later - just what you’re experiencing). A short/fast acting med is typically split into 2 doses to even it out during the day.
Perhaps a different med would be more useful, something slower-acting.
But, again, talk to your doc. They’ll know what way to go.