I realise I can have a shopping list, but sometimes I want to have some items as a binary option, yes or no.
What are you even asking? You already have a binary option when you add it to the list or leave it off.
I assume he is asking if he can say “hey google, we have eggs”
Then later, when shopping, he can ask “hey google, do we have eggs?”
As far as an actual answer to your question goes, I tried the following:
remember that we have eggs
ok, i’ll remember that!
do we have eggs?
these are the top results (web search)
So, doesn’t seem to work
you can say what have i told you to remember and it will display it, but if you did too many things, it would get annoying to look through them.
This lack of context awareness is exactly why I don’t even bother with current gen assistants
“hey Google, remember we have eggs”
“OK, I’ll remember that”
“hey Google what have I asked you to remember?”
"here’s what you asked me to remember;
One, we have eggs.
Two, asking for your blood"
Don’t know if such an Android assistant even exists, but you just introduced a really good app idea here.
He’s asking if we have eggs
There’s no way to distinguish between “no eggs” and “no data” then.
Yes you have an item called “eggs” with a value of zero.
I use google keep for my shopping lists(with checkboxes) but i don’t think you can query it.
Would Google know if you have eggs?
Yes, we have no eggs.
Do you mean something like a checkbox?