yo. where do you like to go on the internet?
name your favorite websites (better if niche), your favorite communities (again, better if niche), interesting instagram pages, interesting profiles to follow on any social media, podcasts, web forums, discord server, strange exotic communities, tumblr, horny stuff, videos, whatever. Don’t self censor yourself please!
(cross-posted: https://hexbear.net/post/415928)
free-mp3-download.net for stealing FLACs from Deezer.
frogfind.com - search engine (or rather proxy) for vintage computers
gopher://gopher.floodgap.com/1/world is a cool directory of gopher links. There’s also Veronica-2 search engine. You’ll need a browser that supports gopher protocol, from the top of my head I can name bombadillo, lynx and Microsoft Internet Explorer 5 or lower.
WWW Images starter packs:
http://www.it.uu.se/pics/Meteor M-N2-3 satellite LRPT operational status
rtl-sdr.com - RTL-SDR blog. I just found they released RTL-SDRv4 😲 and it’s even cheaper than previous model!
Direct audio stream list of my favorite internet radios
Radio rock:
http://play.global.audio/radio1.aac 48kbps
http://play.global.audio/radio1128 128kbps
http://play.global.audio/radio164 48kbps
http://play.global.audio/radio1hi.aac 128kbps
http://anonradio.net:8000/anonradiotelnet telehack.com
- There’seliza
, an early AI chatbot made in 1966. AI chatbots aren’t such a new thing.One of my favorite sites: https://www.windows93.net/
There is also this one; it’s an actual genuine Windows 95 running on WASM in your browser