I like working in the office because I have a way better setup there and don’t have room at home to do the same thing. I also like the mental separation my commute gives between work life and home life (usually, sometimes people piss me off so much I can’t shake it before I get home). That being said the more people who WFH the better. Traffic during Covid was great and the office was never quieter.
Because I want to work at work and be home at home. It never stops when I’m working from home because I’m expected to always be on. I find it more efficient to pull up a chair and sit down next to someone going over things line by line. I miss learning through osmosis which is what I call it when you hear people talking about something you’re vaguely aware of but never really saw in real life but maybe read an article on once. So you go and look over their shoulder and learn something new. (Someone on lemmy called me a horrible person because of this once so hopefully you’re not a toxic SOB like average lemming.) Mostly though I just find it like herding cats, trying to get work done when everyone is in a different time zone and may or may not be online…it’s just incoherent. It’s fine to work from home here and there if you have a few hours of technical work that you just need to knock out. But overall I find it much more effective to be in office. IMHO
Because I want to work at work and be home at home. It never stops when I’m working from home because I’m expected to always be on.
This is a problem with you setting proper boundaries with your employer. This is not the natural result from working remotely.
Someone on lemmy called me a horrible person…
I don’t think that was me, but I understand where they were coming from. From my experience of decades of working in the office, shoulder surfers, as we call them, are a huge drain on your time because of the questions they keep asking, while at the same time, aren’t doing anything productive themselves… but are still considered to be working. Personally, I hate that. If someone requests specific training, that is awesome, but just shoulder surfing? I see it as skimming the system to look productive when the person really isn’t. Part of the social vampirism vibe, too.
But overall I find it much more effective to be in office.
Effective in what respect? In actually doing tasks and completing them on your own? Because the shoulder surfing makes me wonder if you really would be, or just appear to be.
One particular serial shoulder surfer really took it to extremes. I so regretted hiring the guy, he was all talk and was incapable of completing most projects on his own. Come to find out he also lied about having been a Marine, which also further cast shoulder surfers in a bad light to me forever. And if you’re out there reading this (Mark was his name), I am so glad don’t work with us anymore! He could only do his job from the office, too. Covid hit, and surprise! He didn’t know how to do anything.
I never knew people consider “shoulder surfing” to be “social vampirism.” Goddamn what an unpleasant person you sound like right now. I like learning. I like teaching. I love when someone shows interest and wants to learn. I love when people take time to teach me. Nobody knows everything, and formal training in my experience is usually pretty useless. Nothing like real life examples to see how stuff works. You can stay the fuck at home too. Bunch of social pariahs on lemmy, what a cold dark world you must live in.
PS: do you think Spock would call me a shoulder surfing social vampire for wanting to learn and teach? Or would he embrace learning for its own sake. “Pseudo” Spock indeed.
Just like all social vampires… “How could my being around be draining on people?” People are being nice to you because they have to. There is an HR dept. and rules. News flash, not everyone likes you. Some, likely many, simply tolerate you. But that is true for everyone, not just you. We come to work to pay the mortgage, to buy our groceries, to buy the kid braces. Not to be everyone’s friend.
I said requesting training is awesome. Asking for a spot on my calendar to train you on something is perfectly fine. Interrupting my own work to get me to do something for you is not that. Casually watching me work without first asking me to be “on” for you is also not ok. I would want time to prepare to teach you. I could have prepared examples, and a workflow diagram, and most importantly, be prepped to be in “on” mode to socialize with you. It’s an effort to mask, just walking up and being an interruption provides no time to mask up for you, and you get an adhoc half annoyed and possibly unprepared lesson. Teaching someone properly is like taking the stage, or preparing a TEDtalk… Many of us need time to get into the role, because everything around other people is some form of act to best interact with the target audience.
What outfit do I wear?
What accent and pentameter have I discovered makes you most at ease and least aggressive?
What slang terms have I observed you use safely, vs which bother you?
Do I know which programming language you prefer, so I can show you in that language and prepare examples?
Will you smell like cigarettes, and if so, make sure I have measures to deal with that smell?
Have I scheduled it around the right time after we’ve both eaten to make sure neither of us is “hangry”?
Are you a loud person, in which case, some examples or even jokes I may cut out to prevent a loud outburst or comment that draws even more people?
Do I know what soda to offer you?
Doing all that for a real public presentation is actually far easier than doing it for an individual you barely know.
Don’t you see? This is an entire performance we have to put on for you. Watching someone adhoc is just cruel and invasive to that person. They have their own job to do and focus on, not worry about chit chatting with someone while making a dead line.
Spock - “May I say that I have not thoroughly enjoyed serving with humans? I find their illogic and foolish emotions a constant irritant.”
Do not confuse coworkers with friends. Some can be friends, but most are not. Most are just coworkers… people forced to be in a room or building working together. Those are mostly acquaintances at best. They aren’t all asking you to go have beers with them. We have our real friends who we picked organically to be around. You know where they aren’t usually? At our work.
More than social vampire, you are giving off sociopath vibes. Wanting to put you at ease upsets you. I didn’t assume you were a programmer, that was just an example from my world / daily life. If I had to assume your work, I would expect it would be some job high on the toxic masculinity scale.
That’s funny. I’m a tax accountant. Until now I would’ve guessed my industry had some of the most malignant socially incompetent people but I’m clearly wrong. And come to think of it, even the worst most closed off unapproachable people I’ve ever worked with have always been excited to talk about their work, like it’s the one thing they’re comfortable going on about. I’m not asking for a beer at tchotchkes (I too maintain space from colleagues because of the conflict of interest with work in between).
Again, stay the fuck at home, I’ve never encountered such toxic loathing for any kind of human interaction before, I wouldn’t want you in the office with that kind of attitude. Congrats, Dobby is free, you never have to wear pants or look presentable again.
It takes a village I guess. Good luck with the whole ‘hating everyone and everything’ situation, hope you all find jobs with zero human interaction whatsoever 👍
We don’t hate everyone. We desire the opportunity to prepare for social interactions at work. That you find that somehow offensive really seems like a lack of respect for others.
Why on earth would you want to return to the office? Social vampires exist there.
I like working in the office because I have a way better setup there and don’t have room at home to do the same thing. I also like the mental separation my commute gives between work life and home life (usually, sometimes people piss me off so much I can’t shake it before I get home). That being said the more people who WFH the better. Traffic during Covid was great and the office was never quieter.
Because I want to work at work and be home at home. It never stops when I’m working from home because I’m expected to always be on. I find it more efficient to pull up a chair and sit down next to someone going over things line by line. I miss learning through osmosis which is what I call it when you hear people talking about something you’re vaguely aware of but never really saw in real life but maybe read an article on once. So you go and look over their shoulder and learn something new. (Someone on lemmy called me a horrible person because of this once so hopefully you’re not a toxic SOB like average lemming.) Mostly though I just find it like herding cats, trying to get work done when everyone is in a different time zone and may or may not be online…it’s just incoherent. It’s fine to work from home here and there if you have a few hours of technical work that you just need to knock out. But overall I find it much more effective to be in office. IMHO
One particular serial shoulder surfer really took it to extremes. I so regretted hiring the guy, he was all talk and was incapable of completing most projects on his own. Come to find out he also lied about having been a Marine, which also further cast shoulder surfers in a bad light to me forever. And if you’re out there reading this (Mark was his name), I am so glad don’t work with us anymore! He could only do his job from the office, too. Covid hit, and surprise! He didn’t know how to do anything.
I never knew people consider “shoulder surfing” to be “social vampirism.” Goddamn what an unpleasant person you sound like right now. I like learning. I like teaching. I love when someone shows interest and wants to learn. I love when people take time to teach me. Nobody knows everything, and formal training in my experience is usually pretty useless. Nothing like real life examples to see how stuff works. You can stay the fuck at home too. Bunch of social pariahs on lemmy, what a cold dark world you must live in.
PS: do you think Spock would call me a shoulder surfing social vampire for wanting to learn and teach? Or would he embrace learning for its own sake. “Pseudo” Spock indeed.
Just like all social vampires… “How could my being around be draining on people?” People are being nice to you because they have to. There is an HR dept. and rules. News flash, not everyone likes you. Some, likely many, simply tolerate you. But that is true for everyone, not just you. We come to work to pay the mortgage, to buy our groceries, to buy the kid braces. Not to be everyone’s friend.
I said requesting training is awesome. Asking for a spot on my calendar to train you on something is perfectly fine. Interrupting my own work to get me to do something for you is not that. Casually watching me work without first asking me to be “on” for you is also not ok. I would want time to prepare to teach you. I could have prepared examples, and a workflow diagram, and most importantly, be prepped to be in “on” mode to socialize with you. It’s an effort to mask, just walking up and being an interruption provides no time to mask up for you, and you get an adhoc half annoyed and possibly unprepared lesson. Teaching someone properly is like taking the stage, or preparing a TEDtalk… Many of us need time to get into the role, because everything around other people is some form of act to best interact with the target audience.
Doing all that for a real public presentation is actually far easier than doing it for an individual you barely know.
Don’t you see? This is an entire performance we have to put on for you. Watching someone adhoc is just cruel and invasive to that person. They have their own job to do and focus on, not worry about chit chatting with someone while making a dead line.
Spock - “May I say that I have not thoroughly enjoyed serving with humans? I find their illogic and foolish emotions a constant irritant.”
Do not confuse coworkers with friends. Some can be friends, but most are not. Most are just coworkers… people forced to be in a room or building working together. Those are mostly acquaintances at best. They aren’t all asking you to go have beers with them. We have our real friends who we picked organically to be around. You know where they aren’t usually? At our work.
What is a Workplace Energy Vampire?
Workplace ‘energy vampires’ can drain your life force. Stop them with these tips
…wow man. Just wow. Holy fucking shit.
Said the lunatic posting multiple thousand word rants.
I’m not a programmer and it’s funny you assume I am, but I’m not the least bit surprised you are.
Stay the fuck at home and get some therapy, jfc
More than social vampire, you are giving off sociopath vibes. Wanting to put you at ease upsets you. I didn’t assume you were a programmer, that was just an example from my world / daily life. If I had to assume your work, I would expect it would be some job high on the toxic masculinity scale.
That’s funny. I’m a tax accountant. Until now I would’ve guessed my industry had some of the most malignant socially incompetent people but I’m clearly wrong. And come to think of it, even the worst most closed off unapproachable people I’ve ever worked with have always been excited to talk about their work, like it’s the one thing they’re comfortable going on about. I’m not asking for a beer at tchotchkes (I too maintain space from colleagues because of the conflict of interest with work in between).
Again, stay the fuck at home, I’ve never encountered such toxic loathing for any kind of human interaction before, I wouldn’t want you in the office with that kind of attitude. Congrats, Dobby is free, you never have to wear pants or look presentable again.
Again, you’d never know. I can hate you without you thinking I was anything but your best friend. I am that good.
Eat garlic
It takes a village I guess. Good luck with the whole ‘hating everyone and everything’ situation, hope you all find jobs with zero human interaction whatsoever 👍
We don’t hate everyone. We desire the opportunity to prepare for social interactions at work. That you find that somehow offensive really seems like a lack of respect for others.