What’s your positive examples of men, fathers, friends, work colleagues, brothers, etc where they were or are emotionally available?
I feel in todays’ society, men are pressured to fit into this image of having to be emotionless. Thus most of us grow up in empty homes with emotionally absent fathers. That sucks and I don’t want my kids to have to suffer such such
I won’t reply probably but I’m interested in your answers. Thanks in advance!
Also, this is why I often would indulge in watching porn - because I crave emotional connection/availability. But I don’t need to have my mind cluttered with these images and so, hence I want to practice being emotionally self-aware, present and safe
Brené Brown has a lot of good stuff. Her research is basically all about this. Here are a couple TED talks she did. The first one was a local TEDx that blew up, and I think the second one she headlined the big TED conference. The TEDx talk had that big of an impact.
She has several books and some audio stuff that go deeper if the TED talks seem promising to help.