My experience with prime delivery in 2023 is that it has gone from two days to four days to two weeks to completely lost fuck you trying to get a refund.
Further, I stopped using eBay in the late 2000s because everything there became “fell off a truck in China” quality. This is what a vast percentage of Amazon product has become.
eBay has its uses, especially when you’re trying to find used genuine parts for whatever you’re working on, but other than that both eBay and Amazon seem to be flooded with Chinese crap
I’m in Canada, honestly the only reason prime video gets used in my house, is cause it has Pingu and my kid loves that. Usually there’s really nothing there aside from The Boys that I watch regularly or can’t watch elsewhere. It’s mostly paywalled too, with different channels you have to pay extra for, which is annoying.
I canceled last time they raised the price and started including football. The only thing prime is really good for is if you like making a bunch of little purchases frequently. I honestly don’t miss it at all. When I do buy something, you get free shipping on anything else you buy for the next 24 hours. That ends up covering the little stuff I might have forgotten on the original order and prime shipping was rarely 2 days anymore anyway, so what’s an extra day or two wait.
I see prime as a freebie. I get it cause I have prime for my package deliveries
My experience with prime delivery in 2023 is that it has gone from two days to four days to two weeks to completely lost fuck you trying to get a refund.
Further, I stopped using eBay in the late 2000s because everything there became “fell off a truck in China” quality. This is what a vast percentage of Amazon product has become.
This is the crux desire to cancel.
eBay has its uses, especially when you’re trying to find used genuine parts for whatever you’re working on, but other than that both eBay and Amazon seem to be flooded with Chinese crap
This is exactly why I cancelled.
Same, I often forget that prime video exists, I pay for prime so my wife’s packages arrive quicker and I get a free twitch sub monthly
I’m in Canada, honestly the only reason prime video gets used in my house, is cause it has Pingu and my kid loves that. Usually there’s really nothing there aside from The Boys that I watch regularly or can’t watch elsewhere. It’s mostly paywalled too, with different channels you have to pay extra for, which is annoying.
I canceled last time they raised the price and started including football. The only thing prime is really good for is if you like making a bunch of little purchases frequently. I honestly don’t miss it at all. When I do buy something, you get free shipping on anything else you buy for the next 24 hours. That ends up covering the little stuff I might have forgotten on the original order and prime shipping was rarely 2 days anymore anyway, so what’s an extra day or two wait.