Remind me again which country is known for running scams? The country that has made it so that nobody answers their phone unless they recognize the number?
You’re forgetting the atrocities on India’s Muslims, Christians, farmers, Dalits, and ,other oppressed castes.
This is the same country and the same PM who Biden dined with in WH 3-4 months back and who Macron honored & awarded Le Grand Croix de Legion de l’Honneur on Bastile day 3 months back.
Maybe now, the west will stop appeasing and coddling genocidal dictators?
You’ve clearly never taken for the ole’ poutine scam. Everywhere you buy poutine, they tell you that “this isn’t REAL poutine. You’ve gotta go to __________”. It’s always somewhere else. This poutine is in another castle. Don’t fall for it. It’s all so they can tell sell more plane tickets to Montreal.
India is also a world champion in under-counting & under-reporting its covid deaths. Lancet & WHO estimate that 4.2 Million Indians died in Covid 1st & 2nd waves. In every Indian state, electric crematoriums worked 23x7 to cremate the dead (in many cases, their chimneys melted from the consstant use), traditional crematoriums were full & people were forced to create open air crematoriums in public stadiums, parks, and on dried river beds. And thats for those who could afford the wood to cremate their dead. Thos who couldn’t either dug a pit in therr backyards and buried their dead without any ceremony. A large no. discarded their dead in rivers or buried them in shallow graves near river banks, hoping the river would carry them away when it flooded. Cemeteries of Muslims & Christians had to be expanded many times over.
Remind me again which country is known for running scams? The country that has made it so that nobody answers their phone unless they recognize the number?
Oh and the country that needs to have a warning to women that rape is common and rapists are rarely punished.
You’re forgetting the atrocities on India’s Muslims, Christians, farmers, Dalits, and ,other oppressed castes.
This is the same country and the same PM who Biden dined with in WH 3-4 months back and who Macron honored & awarded Le Grand Croix de Legion de l’Honneur on Bastile day 3 months back.
Maybe now, the west will stop appeasing and coddling genocidal dictators?
You’ve clearly never taken for the ole’ poutine scam. Everywhere you buy poutine, they tell you that “this isn’t REAL poutine. You’ve gotta go to __________”. It’s always somewhere else. This poutine is in another castle. Don’t fall for it. It’s all so they can tell sell more plane tickets to Montreal.
now, I’m hungry.
Real poutine is a lie.
its a myth not a lie
See? Real poutine is always elsewhere
Ah, the True Poutine Fallacy.
And the country that so willfully mismanaged the Covid pandemic that 50% of the population in one of their states got infected. I don’t think I ever heard of such numbers even from the reddest of States!
India is also a world champion in under-counting & under-reporting its covid deaths. Lancet & WHO estimate that 4.2 Million Indians died in Covid 1st & 2nd waves. In every Indian state, electric crematoriums worked 23x7 to cremate the dead (in many cases, their chimneys melted from the consstant use), traditional crematoriums were full & people were forced to create open air crematoriums in public stadiums, parks, and on dried river beds. And thats for those who could afford the wood to cremate their dead. Thos who couldn’t either dug a pit in therr backyards and buried their dead without any ceremony. A large no. discarded their dead in rivers or buried them in shallow graves near river banks, hoping the river would carry them away when it flooded. Cemeteries of Muslims & Christians had to be expanded many times over.
Our Union govt & the state govts that presided over this carnage lie that they led the world in managing covid.
To be fair, the Canadian government makes even Germany sound like a terrorist-ridden nightmare with all sorts of riots going on all the time:
I like that one. It’s funny because it’s so generic.