Currently, I am using Montserrat. Even though it is licensed under Open License Font, I do not feel comfortable using it anymore, probably because it is used in over 17 million websites and is considered overused.

Another reason is that I have to load multiple font weights, as bold tags do not work as intended. A single weight is over 20kb in size (after removing unused glyphs). I want to keep my site lightweight, and good looking.

Also, after looking at and, I feel sad about loading any external fonts.

I want a sans font, and I am also using -webkit-text-stroke with transparent fill to give some text outline effect.

What are your suggestions, fellow lemmings? What is your favourite font? Should I just stick with Liberation Sans?

      1 year ago

      And looks better too. I could unironically use Comic Neue and not be ashamed of myself. Can’t say the same about Comic Sans.