So, I’m more conservative leaning (European wise) but everywhere I go - the communities are usually filled with so much hate. That I just avoid it.
Is there any place that I can go where there’s not so much based on hate but more on actual discussions and such?
Though, I have been told that - European wise, it is considered more leaning to left in eyes of US. So bit confused.
Note; please keep it civil.
EDIT: Thanks for the responses (even the hateful ones lol), I got the grasp of what I asked. I’ll look into the suggestions that were made.
EDIT 2: I LOVE how some of you are saying that conservatives are so hateful and yet here you are. Doing the exact same thing. Quite cute and ironic lol! That said if it makes you feel better to spew hate on Lemmy go ahead.
I always thought that the “left side” were open minded and friendly but seems I was wrong, at least here on Lemmy. I suppose, Lemmy become Reddit 2.0. In that way.
I really don’t understand the reason of such a bitter and disrespectful response to a politely posed question. Shouldn’t leftists be more tolerant than their right wing counterpart? Or maybe people are starting to be so ill-tempered just because they are systematically losing all elections in Europe and US?
I read his comments and judged him based on how he choose to present himself. I think thats a pretty fair way to make assumptions about a person, based on their words. I responded accordingly and advised him that if he didn’t feel he fit in that category he may want to reconsider how he identify his beliefs.
Also, learn about the tolerance paradox and you’ll understand why the left are currently so strongly against the right. Also, the left is making great gains in the US, the right is the side losing seats.
I look for excuses to share this. I think you’ll like it.
That isn’t actually Popper. That is Marcuse.
That crappy cartoon gets shared a lot but it does not actually represent Popper’s views.
It is, however, A very accurate description of Marcuse’s views. It even looks like him!
Broken link man, no idea what you’re trying to share
Nuts. I’m sorry. It works for me, though, so I don’t know what to do. Maybe it pasted wrong. Try this:
Imgur still says it doesn’t exist, might be my app
It’s there, I promise! I’ve linked to it before. Maybe their server is just being fussy.
I thought the US Democratic party was “far right”?
I don’t know if you’re trying to make a joke about something, but Republicans are far right, democrats are left of center.
I’m referencing the mantra that gets repeated a lot by Lemmy leftists that both parties in the USA are far right and Republicans are just slightly more far right.
Just slightly?
Ze only sing ve do not tolerate is intolerance!
Shocking that a multiple time Trump voter’s highest level of discourse is a South Park clip. I’d feel bad for your parents, but they’re probably just as dumb
Notice how he’s only posting clips from made up media as his “arguments”, not anything remotely factual.
I know there are no facts to back up any of his feelings, I didn’t expect him to have anything better to contribute
The tolerance paradox applies to a purely theoretical situation, not to modern society where people have constitutional rights. All radicalisms are equally flawed and, personally, I prefer to deal with the “originals” rather than with spoiled youngsters who are pathetically trying to emulate the “tough” adults.
Well, I am a gray haired Gen X-er and fuck conservative fearmongering evil exploitative shit. The radical left youths warm my heart.
That’s a lot of words to say you want fascists in society.
No,I don’t want them. But they are there, though…
You let burglers into your house just because they’re in your yard?
No, but if the police can’t do enough, I install an alarm and defend my personal space. I don’t want to arrest all potential thieves beforehand because they have “thievous” opinions. I don’t want to argue online, anyway: your nested comment (with a parent that has gone down the list due to pagination) made me found a bug in a Lemmy client that I’m developing so I am really grateful to you 😂 Thanks 🙏
I have no thanks for you. But I’m not surprised there are mistakes in your work as well as your logic
Admitting one’s own mistake is a sign of intelligence.
I don’t necessarily want fascists to be in society, but they should have a right to be there as long as they’re not actively hurting others.
Their ideology is based on hurting other people. How do you not get that? They cant exist peacefully.
If you’re ok with them being here, don’t be mad when I lump you in with them.
If they actively hurt other people, then they should obviously be punished. How does my comment imply otherwise?
Their core belief is that they are better and should have autonomy over other people, how does that NOT turn violent?
Again, if they do turn violent, then you can punish them. What’s hard to understand about that?
Conservatives attempted to overthrow my country on 1/6/21. Why do they deserve respect after that? A reasonable, moral person would see that and choose to stop being conservative.
You mean that a few drunk people with guns are representative of a half of the country?
No, we mean your worthless-ass party. It was fun to watch a bunch of then surrender in Atlanta again though.
They are absolutely represtative of your party. They were led by your leader, your party wants them pardoned. You probably also believe some combination of them being both patriots AND a false flag.
You’re all idiots, and they represent you well.
What “my” party? I don’t live in the USA.
You don’t have to tolerate intolerance.
It annoys me, and it’s not a good look, but to a point, I can understand what’s behind it.
In the past, conservatives had a greater respect for education and fair debate. There was more tolerance for moderate views. In recent years, things have gotten increasingly emotional and extreme. I can attribute some of the disrespect to frustration with that change.
You’re right, though - this IS a politely posed question. None of what I was talking about above applies in this specific case. It’s inappropriate to attack OP for their beliefs when they’re going out of their way to be diplomatic.
Being polite is pretty meaningless when you advocate against victims of harassment and sexual assault, wouldnt you agree? So why are we giving him credit in politely looking for allies when his political ideology is based in bigotry?
Also, read his old comments. He “politely” condescends and dismisses anyone who disagrees with his stances. He “politely” tells them to not be emotional and just accept his view of things. Fuck him.
I don’t care if “it’s a good look”, I’m not trying to sugar coat truths for misogynists. What that party believed in the past is irrelevant, what they say and do now matters. It’s not a frustration with their change, its an unwillingness to respect them while they openly court fascism. Which, i think, is pretty damn reasonable.
You want to shame me for being rude to the right? I hope you’re used to be ignored. I’m not going to be a part of sowing division on the left, even when a conservative asks me to “politely”.
No, I’m not going to shame you. You’re right. It’s just that I set the bar VERY low when it comes to conservatives and their discussion methods.
I want to encourage civilized discourse, even if the views being expressed are highly problematic. I figure that the views themselves can’t be effectively addressed until the communication skills are ironed out. Discussion without an explosive tantrum is only a little bit of progress, but it is laying the groundwork for further progress. Baby steps.
Oh, and no, I hadn’t looked at their post history. Now I have. Yikes.
I have no intention of dignifying highly problematic views with civilized discourse.
I haven’t even been mean to him yet, all I called him was insufferable, which he is.
Fair. I certainly can’t blame you for being indignant over someone’s reprehensible opinions.
And I can admire your desire to want to better them