Me: Trying to fall asleep Brain: Remember that dumb thing you did 20 years ago? Yeah that was pretty embarrassing and dumb
I wish I could patch my brain firmware.
No, brain, the hyenas are not gonna eat me alive if I make that mistake again — stop tormenting me!
I’ve done so much that keeps me up sometimes. Worst part is, IT’S NOT 20 YEARS AGO. It happens like EVERY DAY AAAYKHSRJUREFGHEWDGMGH
What did you do?
According to my lovely brain, most of my actions are cringe ☺️
I’m used to seeing her make period jokes. My first read of it was that her uterus was punishing her for eternity, or until menopause.
the key is to do a new cringey thing every couple years and dwell on that instead.
No, horses are terrible people
Hi, Bojack
Everytime I get one of those thoughts I end up saying “I like doo doo” out loud, so I break that thought with another infinitely cringey thing and continue the process forever.