My poor wife’s eyes glaze over every time I talk about whatever it is I am into at the time, lol. For instance now I can’t shut up about a federated Reddit alternative ;-) She supports my nerd-side and it’s great to have a spouse that is even slightly into whatever I think is cool, but yeah I’m a dork …
I have to tone it down as we speak. It’s difficult.
It’s important to not be condescending about it too they have (probably) done it right!
Yep. Music and music related gear and processes.
Oh I collect records too! Just picked up a sick Top 40 USA, with locked grooves for the commercials.
Huh? King what and the whoosit?
As I enter into the 16th hour of the introductory explanation for why my little army men are painted gold instead of blue
Ok, so in the beginning there was a bunch of giant space frogs…
When you overstep and have to say “Oh yeah right, those purists are crazy”
I feel attacked…