gluonjs could be an alternative. IIRC there’s another framework similar to Electron that uses native system WebView for rendering and Rust for interfacing directly with the OS, the name escapes me for the moment though.
Which is better? Both look promising I want to know which is more lightweight. I am trying to port a electron application to tauri started 2 days ago. I want to make my application fast as possible.
gluonjs could be an alternative. IIRC there’s another framework similar to Electron that uses native system WebView for rendering and Rust for interfacing directly with the OS, the name escapes me for the moment though.
Edit: I remembered the name! It’s Tauri
NeutralinoJS is an option similar to Tauri. You don’t need to bundle a whole fucking browser just to run a couple of webpages with some javascript.
Which is better? Both look promising I want to know which is more lightweight. I am trying to port a electron application to tauri started 2 days ago. I want to make my application fast as possible.