That’s half the main games price… Just don’t buy it
ok ill add some other info i dont want this to sound like a mindless bashing
BUGS as of patch 2.01
in a quest you need to alternate between your face and another character. everytime after the switch the Start menu would be unavailable, only fix is to save and reload the game(you change clothes like 4 times in that quest and it gets bugged every time)
character getting ejected into the air while leaving a vehicle for no reason
character getting stuck into vehicles if you approach them too fast and the world freezing in solidarity
quest markers not getting updated
quests taking over your your tracked quest for no reason
characters sending you texts while you are talking to them
Are the missions long at least or is it something like 6 hours total?
Check out howlongtobeat. It takes about 20 hours to complete main + side content. OP is just a really salty poster - take a look at his comment history.
So I went and looked. OP seems like a very unhappy individual. I found traces of the below plus a lot of the “whiney entitled gamer” archetype. I sure hope they find happiness someday.
It’s Easy so it Sucks
It’s Short so it Sucks
Unpleasable Fanbase
“Stop Having Fun” Guys
TIL tvtropes has those tropes. I only knew about the Broken Base page. I am so keeping those for reference.
My favorite is Stop Having Fun, Guys. Broken Base hits too close to home for too many franchises I enjoy.
Lol a new monthly issue of a comic can cost about $4-$6, breakfast at a cheap diner can get $10-$20, a 2 hour movie can be $20+, and of course there are $60 video games selling that are less than 20 hours long. Its really funny how undervalued videogame entertainment is.
I like “cost per hour” which is what you’re getting at.
Yeah I’d say that’s a pretty good entertainment value per hour compared to other leisurely activities for me. I apply this to most entertainment things and it does help. I find comparing things to going to the movies is the best, if it’s more per hour than a movie in a theater than no it’s probably not worth it. Those stupid $50 slingshot rides? Nah.
50% fetch quests. If you use the teleport points you can finish this in half a day
Skipping the dialogues of course,which are dogshit acting anyway.
Why are you skipping the dialogue in an RPG?
How do you define a role playing game?
You’re playing as a person in an alternate reality.
You have character stats and builds.
Someone else is in control of the overarching narrative (you can’t just decide to become a plumber for example).
Stats matter, role matters. RPG ended once nomad, corpo, and the third thing converged onto the linear story
Stat blocks don’t make an RPG.
Part of the definition is that you in fact play a role. This means making decisions from their perspective as if you were them and their world was your reality. Any game that doesn’t allow you to make informed, meaningful decisions isn’t actually a role playing game.
Naturally, video games can’t really give you total freedom in that regard, as any option you can pick needs to be anticipated and coded by the developer. But there are candidates that fit the requirement somewhat more and those that definitely don’t.
Cyberpunk, while being a fun experience, doesn’t really give you a lot of meaningful choices, at least not in the bigger quests, especially not the main plot. Most often different dialogue choices only lead to slightly different answers and the same outcome. You can’t decide to rat Panam out to Militech when stealing the tank for example. You’re not really playing the role of V, you’re watching their story play out and maybe deciding what to do first and last.
CDPR have their own inhouse example of a better RPG to compare against.
As I said,because the acting is dogshit. I played bg3,can’t go back to this shit
Okay, so you basically reduce the game’s content because you nullify major sections due you not liking it then claim it doesn’t exist? In the end all RPGs are based on the variations “talk to someone” with action being the second thing. I wish you don’t ever start playing Final Fantasy 14 which has like 60% of the content are cutscenes and dialogue.
If they are good I don’t mind
tbf the fast-forwarding way you can skip dialogue and just read the subtitles without missing anything is one of the best things introduced in this game
I have just played it through. What you are saying is 100% incorrect.
Half the quest are literally go there talk to this person and come back or some variation of it.
So … like real-life? You can abstract everything to the point that it looks trivial.
are you for real? XD the sidequests are boring, that is not ok since its the main content of a 30 bucks game
That’s subjective. I play through the game the third time currently and still enjoy it.
then say " i personally liked it because of X" what was that stuff about real life is boring? XD
I criticized your chosen abstraction. “go there talk to somebody and come back” is basically the definition of most interactions. That describes “going shopping”, “going to work”, “going to a customer” and in extension describes almost every quest in every game. That discriminates nothing of value.
Are you fucking kidding? You should put this in your OP so everyone knows to completely disregard your post. You skip all the dialogue in an RPG and then complain that it’s too short and the missions are just fetch quests?
This has to be a troll post…
I wouldn’t skip it if it was good,I read of course but I’m not gonna listen to bad acting.