Am I doing something wrong? I’ve been on Pixel devices since the first one, and on Android since Donut. For some reason it feels like I’m at the bottom of the roll out list. At this point everyone I personally know has received the 14 update and I’m still waiting (on my 7 Pro).

I’m wondering if I’ll even receive it before my 8 Pro gets here in a few days. Besides spamming the button to check in the phone settings, is there something else to do that can force it sooner?

  • devnull406@lemmy.worldOP
    1 year ago

    Yeah I’ve done it plenty of times too… In this case I don’t want to wipe (during the initial bootloader unlock) and then get a new phone in a few days. Too much work to set everything up twice.

    The other issue of course is that Google can’t expect that to be the obvious behavior for users. Updates can and should just roll out on time for all users.