I’ve been speaking with other more informed communists and they’ve told me that none actually exist. Is this true?

China, Laos, and Vietnam: now notoriously capitalists. Workers work 12+ hours with no protection in horrible factory conditions. Suicide rates are so high that suicide nets are installed. The air is so polluted millions die from lung cancer, especially factory workers w/out basic masks. Corporations dominate

North Korea: Undemocratically ruled by the Kim dynasty. Jong un indulges lavishly at the expense of his citizens, ordering millions in fine wine and trips from Denis Rodman. They might be the most socialist though, as Juche seems to otherwise be democratic.

Cuba: Sanctions have taken a massive toll, but even taking that into account the country still has its own problems. They have massive food shortages and inventory probs and aren’t self sufficient after 60+ years. Why couldn’t they’ve use machinery imported from the Soviet Union to develop their agriculture and fishery? The Soviets supported them heavily. They seem to be incredibly mismanaged or corrupt

  • anarchost@lemm.ee
    1 year ago

    Regarding your complaint about the 10 principles, can you demonstrate that they were not translated to your personal preference? And does that mean, as they are written, you do object to them?

    I understand that their existence is extremely inconvenient to you, as you are attempting to fall back on liberal identity politics in order to ignore them. But I would prefer it if you didn’t attempt to dodge the question.

    • Maoo [none/use name]@hexbear.net
      1 year ago

      I didn’t list a complaint. I’m just familiar with the fun that Westerners have with, for example, using the term “worship” when it is just as validly (arguably more valid given the lack of religious implications in general) translated as “respect” or “admire”. Westerners are very gullible, you see, and love to think of themselves as superior to the Asian hordes, which includes constructing cartoonish ideas of designated enemy countries.

      None of that list is inconvenient for me, lol. You seem to be talking to yourself and hyping yourself up because you think you have a slam dunk and in the process are failing to read or understand what I’ve written. Remember, my answer to your question of how I feel about them is that it makes me bored. Perhaps you should take a little more time to read what is written before claiming anyone is dodging, lol.

      It looks like you’re spamming this same question to others, seemingly without it being relevant to what they’re talking about. Have you considered addressing anything I wrote in the comment you initially replied to? You didn’t actually do that, you know.

      • anarchost@lemm.ee
        1 year ago

        In other words, you would have a problem with the country telling its people to worship a strong man, but you wouldn’t have a problem with a strong man in general being put at the head of a state?

        Do you believe the working class, in general, requires paternalism in order to correctly flourish?

        Do you believe vocal criticism of a country’s leader should be allowed or not?

        • Maoo [none/use name]@hexbear.net
          1 year ago

          In other words, you would have a problem with the country telling its people to worship a strong man, but you wouldn’t have a problem with a strong man in general being put at the head of a state?

          “Strong man” is another thought-terminating cliche used to denigrate designated enemy countries, or at least ones at which Western chauvinism is to be directed. Do you believe in Iraqi WMDs and justifying the US war of aggression there? Because you sound like the people who said “they hate us for our freedom”, and so on. The point I keep making is that a more critical and informed approach must be taken in order to understand these topics.

          I reject the premise of your question.

          Do you believe the working class, in general, requires paternalism in order to correctly flourish?

          I don’t know what those things mean without a concrete grounding in real situations, like an example country. I’ve said this before, actually, and you didn’t respond to it.

          I think such questions serve to obfuscate rather than clarify precisely because they rely on abstractions into which hegemonic biases can be inserted.

          Do you believe vocal criticism of a country’s leader should be allowed or not?

          Sure why not. Do you have any real questions about things?

          • anarchost@lemm.ee
            1 year ago

            That’s great. Because you dodged the first two questions and only answered the third, can you tell me how the CCP, the North Korean dictatorship, and any other nominally socialist country that you want to include handles vocal criticism?

            • Maoo [none/use name]@hexbear.net
              1 year ago

              That’s great. Because you dodged the first two questions

              I haven’t dodged any questions, lol. I’m being very direct with you. You may want to take a moment to ask whether you are projecting, as your pattern in this conversation has been to ignore basically everything I say and literally every question I’ve asked and to instead try to belabor the point you really want to make, thigh you’re too afraid to state it directly. It’s very clear that you want to stay in your comfort zone, which is apparently silly tropes about North Korea, and no realities or other humans you’re talking to are gonna get in the way of that!

              You might as well just talk to yourself, since it’s only your voice you want to hear.

              can you tell me how the CCP, the North Korean dictatorship, and any other nominally socialist country that you want to include handles vocal criticism?

              Nope you have shown yourself to be here in bad faith and I’m not going to explain such a large topic to you until you figure out how to be honest with me (and probably yourself). Or maybe you can pay me to tutor you - combative, ignorant students cost extra btw.

              Before you reach for your crutch of a “dodge”, remind yourself that at no point have I offered to do the thing you seem to feel entitled to, which is for me to answer all of your questions while you ignore everything I tell you. I’m not your parent or your teacher, I’m not obligated to share knowledge that you refuse to digest.

              PS I’ve said basically nothing about the CPC. I would recommend that you figure out how to communicate around one topic before expanding them. You already can’t keep track of what I’ve said about North Korea or>!!< democracy.

              • anarchost@lemm.ee
                1 year ago

                Stop being disingenuous. “I am personally offended and I refuse to answer your question” is a dodge, not a response.

                You just said you were okay with vocal criticism of the government, so how about it? To what degree should people be allowed to vocally criticize their government?

                • Maoo [none/use name]@hexbear.net
                  1 year ago

                  lol, you think I’m offended? I’m really just bored. I’ve been giving you chance after chance to engage just in case, but it eventually gets tedious - and indicates that good faith is not something you respond to. You seem to engage much more directly with people in this thread that you think you have bothered. Ask yourself if that’s a healthy thing to do.

                  It’s funny that you haven’t learned that I don’t actually care about your attempts at goading, either. Refer to my previous response to your question.

                  • anarchost@lemm.ee
                    1 year ago

                    And I’ve given you a chance for you to explain how you are okay with criticism of the government, but when it comes to North Korea and the CCP you have suddenly gotten quiet.

                    Do you want to walk back your statement, and say that you are against criticism of the government? That is probably more in line with your actual beliefs.