For me I would hold the social media companies more to account when it comes to hate speech and harassment online and force social media companies to do more to stop online harassment and hate speech.
For me I would hold the social media companies more to account when it comes to hate speech and harassment online and force social media companies to do more to stop online harassment and hate speech.
Hate speech and cancel culture are usually considered somewhat opposites - cancelling is usually a ‘weapon in the toolkit’ against hate speech or whatever else you don’t like.
It’s white washed hate speech “This person deserves to die/have no rights because of X!!!”
We can cancel Nazis, racists, murderers, rapists, etc. We don’t have to tolerate everything
Not every cancelation is revoking right to live or other rights. And certainly not generally or commonly.
Cancelation is usually about revoking elevated positions or public platform. That’s very far from how you lay it out.