Interesting. I set an adblocking dns via DHCP and, as far as I know, the Roku respects it. Ads are blocked and I can see it failing to delivery telemetry in my dns logs (most persistent thing on the network).
I set a rule to catch outside dns to see if anything, the roku included, has been misbehaving.
Not familiar with Rokus, but it depends on what your filtering. Mostly it’s to block needless analytics tracking. I use a pair of PiHoles for much the same purpose.
Is this to block ads?
No, you can block ads with a pihole. This is because Roku hard codes its dns server as Pihole doesn’t handle IP addresses, only DNS.
Interesting. I set an adblocking dns via DHCP and, as far as I know, the Roku respects it. Ads are blocked and I can see it failing to delivery telemetry in my dns logs (most persistent thing on the network).
I set a rule to catch outside dns to see if anything, the roku included, has been misbehaving.
I doubt it but could this help my tv randomly crashing
It’s genuinely so annoying and is such a 2023 problem
Tv crashing? Add an external device and don’t use TVs for their smart features as they tend to be pretty bad.
Not familiar with Rokus, but it depends on what your filtering. Mostly it’s to block needless analytics tracking. I use a pair of PiHoles for much the same purpose.