Saying this as someone deep into certain keyboard related rabbit holes, simply using a mechanical keyboard gets you like 40% of the actual improved typing and gaming experience, picking your preference from one of the handful of readily available switch types goes another 30%, and picking some non-horrific $20-$30 keycaps goes another 20%. The rest is diminishing returns and enjoying it as its own hobby. If you all you want is to move on from your nasty worn out pack-in keyboard, you could get a distinctive improvement for less than the cost of one new AAA game.
The problem with cheap keycaps.
Time for some double shots rather than printed on nonsense!
Saying this as someone deep into certain keyboard related rabbit holes, simply using a mechanical keyboard gets you like 40% of the actual improved typing and gaming experience, picking your preference from one of the handful of readily available switch types goes another 30%, and picking some non-horrific $20-$30 keycaps goes another 20%. The rest is diminishing returns and enjoying it as its own hobby. If you all you want is to move on from your nasty worn out pack-in keyboard, you could get a distinctive improvement for less than the cost of one new AAA game.
Yup, I’ve had the same keyboard for 12 years and have probably close to 30-35k hours work/gaming on it. Keycaps are still absolutely fine
I’m wondering if different skin oil composition between different people plays a role as well
Dorito dust is very abrasive, as well.
Doritos taste like shit bro