In late December, 77 groups — representing tens of thousands of lawyers, civil society leaders, and activists from six continents — filed an amicus brief in a lawsuit that Palestinian human rights organizations, residents of Gaza, and U.S. citizens with family members impacted by Israel’s ongoing assault brought against the Biden administration.
According to Law for Palestine, a human rights and legal advocacy organization, there have been at least 500 instances of Israeli lawmakers, officials, and officers inciting genocide.
Sourani said that the statements by Israeli officials, along with the actual blockade, the indiscriminate attacks on civilians and civilian buildings, the basic lack of safe space, and the mass displacement of millions of Palestinians makes it clear: “All of this is tantamount to genocide.”
The plaintiffs responded to the administration’s motion to dismiss on December 22, arguing that there is precedent for U.S. courts to adjudicate questions surrounding genocide and that their legal challenge is about more than the actions of a foreign state. Rather, the plaintiffs argued, their injuries are “fairly traceable” to the actions of the U.S. government. “The suggestion that the U.S. does not or cannot influence Israel borders on the absurd, not least because the Israeli government acknowledges its actions could not happen without U.S. license and support, and Defendants have boasted about their coordination with and influence over Israel,” the plaintiffs wrote.
the Nazis mudered around 70000 french jews during the Shoa, many of them children. what’s your point?
I really don’t get why it is so difficult to shit on Netanyahu and his fellows without resorting to insensitive/antisemitic language. He’s full of shit, yes, and the IDF is commiting reprehensible war crimes. But no, there is no comparison to be made with Nazis. The Shoa stands for itself.
It is sickening to see how there are so many pro-palestinan voices for peace who avoid this sort of language, only to drowned by so many westeners who think relativizing Nazi crimes is somehow helping palestinians
edit: just to expand a little: around 400 000 French civilians have been killed between 1939 and 1945 It’s just ridiculous. I have no idea how people can upvote made up shit like that. sorry, but this is just fucking enfuriating
Well now, that “anti-semitism” dog-whistle is just pure racism - it implies that all members of the Jewish Religion are the same (which only a racist would think), hence Israel represents all of them, hence criticism of Israel is anti-semitism.
I’m afraid that the nation state of Israel not only uses the kind of propaganda straight out of Goebbel’s little book of tricks (the “human animals” thing, murdering journalists, claiming targetting of civilians is “defense” and so on), but it even has already exceed the rate of killing of civilians of pretty much everybody but the Nazis (in 3 months it already killed 1% of the population of Gaza) and done so with even more racist arguments that Appartheid South Africa.
Go back an check your own numbers:
This isn’t yet a New Holocaust in absolute numbers, but in terms of the rate of civilian deaths it certainly has already exceeded everything else but the actual Holocaust, and we haven’t even reached the real start of the deaths by starvation because of the Food, Water and Energy blockade by Israel.
Take a wild guess at what exactly will happen when food has run out for long enough that people’s bodies start eating themselves - I do believe there are some photos from the last time somebody did something like that which you might be familiar with.
Judging by statements from several member of the Israeli cabinet, at least some of them are the kind of ultra-violent ultra-racist Fascist that wants to eliminate the “human animals” in preciselly the same spirit as the Nazis.
Maybe you should be “fucking enfuriated” towards the “unwavering” international supporters of this shit, Scholz, Biden and Sunak, because if it wasn’t for that Israel would already have moderated their actions and weakenned or removed the blockade.
okay, typical Motte-and-bailey. you compared Israel to Nazi Germany. I called you out on that. Moreover, I called Netanyahu “full of shit” and said “IDF is committing reprehensible war crimes”. I’m criticizing Israel. Doesn’t make me an Anti-Semite. This kind of stuff always happens. “Israel is like Nazi Germany!!1” (Motte) and “Oh I’m just criticizing Israel” (Bailey)
You’re making this up. Please have at least the decency and give me sources.
The hamas killed 1200 people in a single say. that would be 108000 in 90 day, exceeding the “rate of civilian deaths” of the IDF bombing. Is this a shitty argument? yes, it is awful, and so is yours. It is a fucking tragedy and it needs to end. But why do you use these numbers to desperately frame Israel as Nazis?
Important to note: between May and July 1944, the Nazis killed over 400 000 Hungarian Jews in Auschwitz.
Again: Comparing Israel to Nazi Germany is detached from reality, and antisemitic. You are not helping anyone by doubling down on claiming it is.
Think a second about those who are actually affected by the conflict, who understand how complex and twisted it is and who genuinely look for ways to find peace. People who oppose the war, the occupation, Netanyahu’s government, Hamas. These people are drowned out by westeners entirely unaffected by the conflict, claiming to know better what is going on, and resort to simplistic, tribalistic and hateful language.