That image is more telling than you intended it to be.
Maybe you’re misreading my intention. The image is supposed to convey that the Democrats use Republicans as a threat so they can stay in power, and the frayed rope represents them losing control. What did you think I was trying to say?
That’s what I thought you meant, the image implies they’re the same thing wearing different masks. The elephant is the weapon, the donkey is the one using it. In other words, a one party system pretending to be two.
What? I’m really not into us politics and also it’s pretty clear that the two party system is shit, but I never got the feeling that the two parties are similar in any way?
They have a lot more similarities than differences:
What the actual hell is this?
Misleading and full of bunk. The two parties are very far from one another, regardless of what this guy’s cute little graphic says.
Say I’m a single-issue voter for nuclear disarmament, which party represents my interest?
Clearly the Democrats (specifically progressives) align most closely with what you want.
Biden sucks… but vote for him. I mean the two party system sucks, first passed the post sucks, gerrymandering sucks… but the republican party sucks even more. I’d rather have a dottering old liberal than an outright fascist, and at the same time the system won’t be reformed because of an election cycle. People need to organise, get off their lazy butts. But since you ain’t doing that, there’s only one thing to do.
Vote Biden. Don’t be dumb. It’s like the only sane alternative, no matter how insane that sounds.
Do you think that’s any comfort to the Palestinians Biden is helping to genocide?
What’s that? Somebody thinks that a different president is going to stop the drones and bombings!? Like they’re not tied up in deals?! Like if a third party candidate won the process would just magically stop?!?!
Bush made the bombs drop, Obama made the bombs drop, Trump made the bombs drop, Biden made the bombs drop… wtf do you think the next president will do? The CIA tells them what’s what and that’s it.
Vote Biden, or get a republican president. Your call.
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Vote Trump, for a brighter, socialist future!
Also, blood for the Blood God!
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Counterargument: If the democrats don’t want to lose they should stop funding mass genocide.
To be fair the GOP would happily fund it too
Hey, only if it doesn’t conflict with Putin’s goals.
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Why would we continue doing the exact same thing that has been time and time again proven to be a cheap bandaid that never addresses the issues? Fuck that. We have to try different ways of making progress in this country or we’re fucked. We’re not really a democratic country anyway. None of our representatives actually fight and do what we ask of them. So why fall for it again?