Originally, the protest was planned to be 48 hours. However, after a shambolic AMA held by Reddit’s CEO, it has become clear to us that Reddit doesn’t intend to act in good faith. When the CEO is willing to lie and spread libellous claims about another third-party developer, and then try double down by vilifying them, again, in an AMA, despite being proven as a liar by the developer through audio recordings, that’s when we knew what we were up against. Therefore, the subreddit will be privatised until such time as a reasonable resolution is proposed.
I don’t think the subs should go private, but rather they should just get straight-up abandoned. The admins will have a much harder time dealing with all the unmoderated content that will inevitably show up, and it will look way worse to advertisers.
That just give Reddit an out for taking over subs, saying they are unmoderated.
If they go private then Reddit would need to forcibly take over the subs without a proper reason for doing it.
I think anarchychess is planning exactly that. They’re private today (Sunday) and going unmoderated on Monday.
The chaos that’s gonna ahppen is gonna be on the same level as Y2K and the miiverse last 30 minutes
Hm, I like this idea – the content is what values Reddit.
theres even more precedent of them taking over unmoderated subs