Patching in new DRM years after launch seems unlikely to impact pirates, but actively harms legitimate users who play on Steam Deck or mod games they paid for.
Is the DRM already out? I assumed this was for some upcoming update they announced but I haven’t had any mods break, including the light pillar mod which I thought Capcom’s DRM was supposed to prevent. Even just 3 or 4 days ago someone went in and one shot a monster.
I’m at work so I can’t do deep dive searching, and honestly I will probably forget about this by the time I get home, but there are other people I follow who report on this stuff, unfortunately only in podcast format, who have also talked to modders in person. All of them say mods are fine. Take that for what you will.
So, I don’t know how to put this, and I don’t this actually isn’t true . Not sure how this blew up, but yeah.
That article feels autogenerated, it repeats the same four lines over and over. Basically one guy says that thousands of other people are wrong.
Is the DRM already out? I assumed this was for some upcoming update they announced but I haven’t had any mods break, including the light pillar mod which I thought Capcom’s DRM was supposed to prevent. Even just 3 or 4 days ago someone went in and one shot a monster.
I’m at work so I can’t do deep dive searching, and honestly I will probably forget about this by the time I get home, but there are other people I follow who report on this stuff, unfortunately only in podcast format, who have also talked to modders in person. All of them say mods are fine. Take that for what you will.