Wtf was even the idea behind even making the source picture??? Fucking bizarre
The people inside the house look like they all have dark hair. Maybe in the original it’s angels guiding and protecting righteous immigration cops while they’re arresting dangerous illegal immigrants (ie flashbanging toddlers)?
edit: nope lol it’s jehova’s witnesses: “During the great tribulation, Gog of Magog’s forces may try to assault us in our homes. But we can take comfort in knowing that Jesus and his angels are aware of what is happening and will defend us”
Getting XCom flashbacks. I’d set up a breach team on the door, and send the rest of the squad round and up that drainpipe so they can drop down from the roof. But best go around the back of the cars so as not to activate through the window.
Getting XCom flashbacks
XCom allows you to flashbang toddlers‽