So I’ve been using Rustdesk with a self hosted server for business and personal use now for some time. However, it is definitely the sketchiest foss software I’ve used. It seems to be based in China but the developers keep lying and saying its in Singapore.
Here is a list if everything I’ve found:
It seems that now the clients and OSS server are completely foss which is good. They also no longer have public servers in China according to them. In the client itself it also now has better defaults so you are less at risk of getting attacked.
It still is sketch but it now is slightly less sketch I guess? Either way its not ideal.
Software and hardware from China is known to be compromised on arrival. The CPP is a dangerous authoritarian government and they heavily influence private business in very nasty ways.
As for Team viewer and Anydesk, they are proprietary and can not be trusted. At least Rustdesk is Libre. The most concerning part about Rustdesk is that they delete issues that question the source of the software or Rustdesk’s potential to be influenced by the CPP.
The US government is a dangerous authoritarian government and they heavily influence private business in very nasty ways.
If I am remembering correctly, Australia also has laws that allow the government to force private companies to build backdoors. I think it was the Ass Access Act.
Oh yeah I’m not denying that.
I’m just saying its short sighted to take any shots at China when the west are authoritarian themselves.
The US government is in fact not authoritarian. As for influencing private business that is a real concern but at least here it isn’t illegal to stay private. I can vote for my officials and criticize the government without fear.
The US is especially authoritarian.
And if you think you actually have a choice in candidates, let alone any good ones you’re sorely mistaking.
Voter suppression is a widely used tactic to influence votes away from low socio economic areas and black communities.