It’s astonishing how the US concedes so much power and treasure to Israel and receives nothing but blame and ignominy in return.
That is a remarkably uninformed statement. Israel is a center of cutting-edge research and leading production. Name any field from biotech to semiconductors, from robotics to defense and there’s likely an Israeli research institute or startup at the forefront. That’s a huge asset to have. American tanks would not have a missile defense system without Israel, Intel’s computer chips would be significantly slower and the entire global drone industry, both civilian and military, would be set back by many years if it wasn’t for this small nation, just to name a few examples.
So much power and treasure? The amount spent on arms sent to Israel is not even a rounding error compared to the entire federal budget. Power? Netanyahu can huff and puff all he wants, Israel is clearly acting within tight limits set by the US.
Israel doesn’t have to be a genocidal ethnostate for that to be the case
Good thing that it isn’t.
I get the feeling that this war is the first one many people are trying to pay attention to and I’m under the impression that the horrors that exist in every war are so totally new and alien to these well-meaning, but poorly informed people that they have no way to deal with them but through superlatives and exaggeration, including the almost dogmatically repeated claim that there is a genocide happening here.
Really? How do you explain that Jews from anywhere can become citizens and no one else can?
You’re a clown.