In its IPO documents, Reddit said the price and volume of its stock could “experience extreme volatility for reasons unrelated to our underlying business.”
Does form an interesting premise though for a collectivist tool of anticapitalist warfare.
Firms taking short positions are some of the most low down parts of the stock and trade system, so you could cost the parasites millions and billions by organizing mass buys of stock on firms with shorted stock, and the best part is that the folks holding shorted positions can lose infinitely, so basically enough people working together would be able to pull the equivalent of stringing the leaches up by their nutsack and then dragging them around by it on a gravel pathway by horseback
I used to fucking hate that sub in my feed, but god bless those cappy swine
Does form an interesting premise though for a collectivist tool of anticapitalist warfare.
Firms taking short positions are some of the most low down parts of the stock and trade system, so you could cost the parasites millions and billions by organizing mass buys of stock on firms with shorted stock, and the best part is that the folks holding shorted positions can lose infinitely, so basically enough people working together would be able to pull the equivalent of stringing the leaches up by their nutsack and then dragging them around by it on a gravel pathway by horseback
Only to people that don’t realize stockbrokers are the house in the casino that is stock trading.
They’re legally allowed to turn off the buy button if the retail buyers try to do this.