After a decade of being a law abiding citizen and paying customer of every streaming service between here and the moon, I’ve given it all up and come back to the high seas.
It’s all being split up between more and more services with ever growing prices.
If they make it hard to be a customer, I’d rather not be one.

So I grabbed myself a NAS, set up all relevant .ARRs and am torrenting again.
What trackers do you guys with experience recommend?
Are the free ones still good enough or do I need to cry my way into a private one?
The NAS is running 24/7 so I will be a good seeder, so if anybody has an invite to a good private tracker I’d be very happy to contribute to it.

Thank you in advance Gentlepeople!

    9 months ago

    Hello, I suggest looking for private ones. I use BLU (movies) MTV (TV) and OPH (music). TL is easy to get on (registration are regularly opened) and has a large user base. Here is a place to check for time-limited registration openings:

    You might find semi-private ones too (ratio rules but permanent open registration).