Unfortunately yes. This story by NPR isn’t an academic source but it’s definitely worth listening to. On average bug populations have declined by 20% or more in some areas, less in others. It’s an average.
Now truthful, whether or not a declining bug population is the main cause of fewer bugs on our windshields or if it’s better aerodynamics I don’t know. What I do know is a more aerodynamic vehicle isn’t something I need to worry about, a declining bug population is.
Unfortunately yes. This story by NPR isn’t an academic source but it’s definitely worth listening to. On average bug populations have declined by 20% or more in some areas, less in others. It’s an average.
Now truthful, whether or not a declining bug population is the main cause of fewer bugs on our windshields or if it’s better aerodynamics I don’t know. What I do know is a more aerodynamic vehicle isn’t something I need to worry about, a declining bug population is.
we need our bugs! although I was never convinced in that all insectizoid parasites are necessary, like any that affect Me, or Me-Kind