Because, especially for artists and creators seeking to publicize their work, it’s not widely adopted enough. They need their work shared to as many eyeballs as possible in hopes to sell. Mastodon is fine for personal use, but it doesn’t fit the business needs of these creators, I can’t blame any creator for staying on Twitter until their inevitable end, because the growing pains of alternatives will be difficult to weather.
Because, especially for artists and creators seeking to publicize their work, it’s not widely adopted enough. They need their work shared to as many eyeballs as possible in hopes to sell. Mastodon is fine for personal use, but it doesn’t fit the business needs of these creators, I can’t blame any creator for staying on Twitter until their inevitable end, because the growing pains of alternatives will be difficult to weather.
It’s not widely adopted enough because artists and creators aren’t using it enough. Chicken or egg?