They absolutely do not draw the line at overt fascism. It’s already overt.
"We’re not fascist! We just
Dehumanize leftists
Swear we’re the only ones who can save the country
Spread disinformation by saying anyone who doesn’t vote Biden " isn’t voting and is advocating for not voting
Excuse bystepping congress to fund and arm genocide
I could go on"
Why didn’t Biden turn off the genocide switch 5 months ago? Surely the president of the United States has sole control over what happens in another country. Can’t he just travel back in time and undo military aide that happened years ago? Surely this a simple issue that Biden has complete control over and he can stop it with a thought if he wanted? Right guys?
Yeah we should just vote for Trump
We should reject the dichotomy, between 99% Hitler and 100% Hitler we must choose to actually change things and not be passive in front of atrocities. No sympathy for either one of the two sadistic parties of war.
I mean I agree but what do we do in the meantime
Vote for Claudia de la Cruz from PSL and organize for the Revolution
Isn’t it too late in the primaries to even think about a third party
No? Elections are on November
Third parties don’t affect primaries beyond their own. We’re too deeply entrenched in first past the post voting to think about third parties, unfortunately
Vote for Claudia de la Cruz from the PSL