• SquirtleHermit@lemmy.world
    11 months ago

    Well, we are in good company there. Got my start in the series at 3 as well and I fucking love the shit out of that game. Groundbreaking or not, it’s still a joy to play. Plus, no one did environmental story telling like Bethesda.

    • Son_of_dad@lemmy.world
      11 months ago

      People like to shit on bathesda, but they introduced me to a great series. A series that frankly would be dead and mostly forgotten, had it not been for bathesda picking it up. Before they came along, fallout had become a button mashing, platform adventure game, just check out Fallout: BOS, for PS2.

      • SquirtleHermit@lemmy.world
        11 months ago

        I like Bethesda, and obviously they do have very vocal detractors. Though you might want to pull back on the overly zealous defense of Bethesda, as you are kind of just being the opposite side of the Bethesda hate coin.

        Plus, it’s not really fair to say Fallout would have been dead and mostly forgotten if Bethesda hadn’t picked it up. It was a popular enough series that Bethesda went into a bidding war to get it. And Troika games, a studio started by Tim Cain, Leonard Boyarsky, and Jason Anderson (the original creators of Fallout), also tried to buy the rights to the series but were outbid. If not but for Bethesda’s big wallet, it’s very possible we could have seen the rise of a very different Fallout with the original creators at the helm. Which a part of me will always be sad we didn’t get to see. Still, I can cry myself to sleep on my copy of New Vegas, so at least we got two fun Bethesda games and one of the greatest RPGs of all time out of Bethesda’s purchase.

        Also, if we are going to shit on BoS, then it’s only fair to say that Bethesda’s handling of the franchise has also gotten worse overtime. It’s not like 76 is a shining example of quality. (To be fair, I actually enjoyed both BoS and 76, as I’m a bit of a Fallout shill, but that doesn’t mean I can’t be objective about the problems of the series.)