Yes sadly this means emergency services will no longer be able to take your call because they got rid of their phones. If you really want to talk you’ll have to book a Zoom appointment, so schedule your stabbings ahead of time.
Almost every normal human is a slow typer on a touchscreen. They don’t blame touchscreens for that, because they like them and actually typing lots of text is irrelevant for those normal humans.
I’ve just watched “Idiocracy” yesterday. I didn’t like how similar to the humanity of the future I am myself, and the use of IQ as some real measurement felt kinda idiotic, but - the general idea feels right.
I think this is a horrible idea it’s just gonna take so long and what if your a slow typer
Yes sadly this means emergency services will no longer be able to take your call because they got rid of their phones. If you really want to talk you’ll have to book a Zoom appointment, so schedule your stabbings ahead of time.
Ok then I’m going to have to talk the guy who’s gonna stab me and where gonna have to agree on a time see if he can fit me
Sounds like a skill issue. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Almost every normal human is a slow typer on a touchscreen. They don’t blame touchscreens for that, because they like them and actually typing lots of text is irrelevant for those normal humans.
I’ve just watched “Idiocracy” yesterday. I didn’t like how similar to the humanity of the future I am myself, and the use of IQ as some real measurement felt kinda idiotic, but - the general idea feels right.
I pretty much blame touchscreens for the downfall of humanity. But I guess I’m not “normal”.