The second season starts without much fluff. The animation is rather on the budget side, but the characters are likeable, there’s some development for the main couple and for Cuff/Zayn, and even some a lot of fanservice.

For those who watched the episode already:

I know that this is that sort of “if not for [X], they’d have happily married forever already”, but still: the change of mood when Alice opens the last door, and sees that the duke fantasises about marrying her, was the cherry of the cake for me.

    2 years ago

    Fun episode and the ED was nice. I don’t remember Hiroshi Kamiya’s character being that … straightforward with his desires (he kinda felt like other character’s he’s voiced in this ep hah) but it’s been awhile since S1. The animation is a bit more wooden than I remembered but there was some decent character animation like Zain’s face getting stretched. And yeah, nice sweet moment at the end.