• ForgottenFlux@lemmy.worldOP
    6 months ago


    • Telegram founder Pavel Durov claimed in an interview that the company only employs “about 30 engineers.”
    • Security experts say this is a major red flag for Telegram’s cybersecurity, as it suggests the company lacks the resources to effectively secure its platform and fight off hackers.
    • Telegram’s chats are not end-to-end encrypted by default, unlike more secure messaging apps like Signal or WhatsApp. Users have to manually enable the “Secret Chat” feature to get end-to-end encryption.
    • Telegram also uses its own proprietary encryption algorithm, which has raised concerns about its security.
    • As a social media platform with nearly 1 billion users, Telegram is an attractive target for both criminal and government hackers, but it seems to have very limited staff dedicated to cybersecurity.
    • Security experts have long warned that Telegram should not be considered a truly secure messaging app, and Durov’s recent statement may indicate that the situation is worse than previously thought.