I get it, Biden is old and that’s a problem, but why doesn’t anyone seem to have a problem with the fact that Trump is almost the same age, has 34 felonies, raped at least 2 women, went to Epstein’s Island 11 times, sexualized his own daughter, stole classified documents, aligned himself with Xi and Putin, and can’t remember common names?
Is all of that really better than being 2½ years older than he is right now?
As much as I agree with everything you say, there is one more thing that needs to be said.
I started watching the debate fully aware of the fact that Trump was a POS. Trump was a POS in 2016, 2020, and 2024. On the other hand, I started watching the debate hoping to see president Biden could make Trump look even dumber. What I got was a very clearly senile guy that failed to make coherent sentences 10+ times in a 90 minute debate.
Trump was who he has always been during the debate. Biden was senile during the debate. At this point I’m not asking Biden to drop because I like Trump. That is wrong. I hate Trump. I’m asking Biden to drop because I know he won’t be able to beat Trump. On the other hand, he might have no problem beating medicare.
I love when trolls post bullshit like this, it just fires up the democratic voters. Biden will win with more votes than the last time he beat that 34 time convicted felon, rapist, loser.
Anyone who disagrees with you isn’t a troll. Biden looked how he looked, and moderates/independents don’t have the same appetite for copium as you do.
Sounds like something a troll would say. Your post history is also matching what a troll/bot is. I agree 100% that just because someone disagrees with me they aren’t necessarily a bot, BUT, there’s a fuckton of bots/trolls out there now to do what they did in 2016.
Oh look another super new account posting doom and gloom anti biden stuff. So weird.
On anything political, it’s about as bad as reddit. Possibly worse, I haven’t been on reddit for almost a year.