Please just provide a short, medium or long story
Shit job from 10 years ago. Getting too drunk at the office Christmas party and talking so much shit about my horrible fucking boss to a couple of influential senior managers who are close to the CFO. Freaked out all weekend about it, severe anxiety attacks. That mixed with the hangover I was just vomiting all weekend.
And then: Run into one of those senior managers early in the office on Monday morning, apologised for being inappropriate. Get a response “oh, we all know how bad she is, can’t believe you haven’t quit yet”.
Senior managers were also awful then; part of their job is making sure that the lower level managers don’t suck, and they weren’t.
Absolutely. A few months after this I went directly to the person above my boss and explained the situation- mental health, physical health, turned into dependence on weekly psychologist sessions.
Basically told me to get over it.
This was a non profit organisation dedicated to helping homeless, refugees, victims of domestic violence, and elderly people who are unable to afford aged care. The people on the ground doing the work were amazing people. But the people in charge were all cosplaying as big business shitheads.
I’ve heard that kind of thing about a number of non-profits. Makes me wonder how they manage to attract so many awful people.
Or maybe people in general are just awful.
Virtue signaling. Its easy to look good running a nonprofit.
Used to work for a gaming company that had a really big Facebook presence.
When most companies launched a new game they would just launch the game connect to Facebook and call it a day.
But when we launched a new game we would turn on cross-promotion and send millions of users to the new game day one.
The problem is that Facebooks load balancers don’t scale quickly. And if you start sending millions of people to a game that just errors, it’s pretty bad for marketing.
So we had a script that you would run for an hour before you went to launch a game that would start making hundreds then thousands than tens of thousands of connections to Facebook giving their load balancers time to scale.
Well, I didn’t write the tool I was just given it and the documentation on it was kind of sparse at the time. I started with the value of 30,000. Weeeellll, turns out a sane value would have been 3-5 as it multiplied whatever input you gave it by 10K.
My cluster made sweet love with their cluster, and Facebook went down for about 3 hours.
Within a week they had some pretty decent changes to their new API limit subsystem.
Two big ones in my younger days:
Alt tabbed one too many times, clicked drop database, clicked ok, realized I’d just deleted the live user database for America’s Army. Thankfully it was the east coast site and west coast was the primary, and it was only one way replication. We shut down east coast auth and rebuilt the secondary.
Someone distracted me while typing in a vlan command on a switch, I hit enter without double checking, took out our fiber between two datacenters in the middle of a move. Took me 15 minutes to run to the DC, plug in a console cable and fix it. Took all of our customers out.
Uh oh