• Volkditty@lemmy.world
    7 months ago

    I was planning to join the military after high school. It was a 3 hour drive to the closest MEPS (military entrance processing station), so the local recruiters only made the trip out there once a week. I already had my date set when another guy dropped out, so my recruiter asked if I was interested in going a week earlier. I said absolutely, because I was dead et on being in the Army, so what difference did one more week make?

    So that’s how I enlisted on Sept 5th, 2001…

  • edric@lemm.ee
    7 months ago

    Asked my boss jokingly and nonchalantly if they would relocate me. I didn’t expect an easy yes and full support. Then I asked my boss’ boss, and he said yes too. 2 years later, I uprooted my whole life and moved across the world to a new country with my wife. Biggest life changing event I’ve had so far.

    • abos@feddit.org
      7 months ago

      That sounds very familiar. Made a comment to my department leader back then that we should have someone to keep an eye on the quality of our partners in Asia. About 2 months later all my belongings where in a suitcase and I was on the plane with a one way ticket. That was nearly 10 years ago. In hindsight the most important decision in my life (so far).

  • anon6789@lemmy.world
    7 months ago

    Was bored one day and decided to watch Bojack Horseman since it had that guy from Arrested Development in it. It was weird, but funny, so I kept watching.

    After a while, I started to recognize a lot of myself and things similar to my life, and since I was seeing someone else do this stuff, I knew that it wasn’t healthy or necessarily supposed to be funny if it were a real person.

    It helped me to start understanding that all my life, I’ve had horrible depression that lead me to really sabotage myself and almost every relationship I’ve ever had with anyone.

    I ended up talking to my doctor, and it turned out to be something that was very easy to fix, and as soon as I got on the proper medicine, I almost immediately started experiencing life in a new way.

    It helped me come to better terms with a lot of my childhood, and I no longer felt a crushing weight every day and could deal with day to day events in a healthy way.

    I’m still a damaged person who doesn’t quite understand a lot of things I think “normal” people understand, but I’m able to identify it and talk about it instead of it making me angry and frustrated.

    I’m in an overall significantly better place now. I understand myself a good bit more, and I’ve come a long way in being a better person. I still carry a lot of emotional weight not that I realize all the bad things I’ve done to so many people, and I frequently feel the loss of those relationships, but it’s more a reminder of how far I’ve come instead of something actively hurting me still after all these years.

    I really liked the show, and there’s a lot of fun things in it, but it’s hard for me to watch now, as it reminds me too much of old me. I do really love Paul F Tomkins though and listen to him on Threedom and I just saw him on the Comedy Bang Bang tour.

    I never expected a talking horse to turn my life around when nothing else did, but I won’t complain.

  • Nostalgia@lemmy.world
    7 months ago

    Finally going to a doctor to get my tinnitus checked out. Long story short, it’s fucking brain tumors. Remember kids, don’t ignore health shit.

    • OhVenus_Baby@lemmy.ml
      7 months ago

      For future reference how does one go from tinnitus to tumors? What’s the testing. I know someone with severe tinnitus they say is mind numbing and makes them feel insane its so bad.

      • Nostalgia@lemmy.world
        7 months ago

        So, I am happy to at least give you my story. I’m an old school metal head. I’ve been to a lot of rock shows. A lot. So when I started having ringing in my right ear I was just kind of like…no shit, don’t color me shocked. It wasn’t extreme, but it was there and it was annoying and it was weird. Almost sometimes like an old timey radio between channels. Anyways, I ignored it forever as part of my own bad life choices. But I have this other annoying thing called a wife, and we are blessed with decent health care so I eventually went to the doc. He looked in there and said he didn’t see shit. But out of abundance of caution he sent me to a fancy ENT. Took a month to get an appointment, and he didn’t see shit either, but out of another abundance of caution he sent me for a noodle MRI. Got a call from his office the next day that I needed to come in as soon as possible. That’s when you know you’re fucked. So anyways, my tinnitus was caused by a tumor wrapped around my auditory nerve. This was caused by a super rare genetic disease called neurofibromas type 2. So basically I am a mutie whose super power is to grow tumors on my cranial nerves. Sweet. There is nothing w cure. Treatment is currently radiation or surgery. I’ve had one surgery which took that tumor but also my hearing on that side. I have another surgery next month for a tumor in my fucking face, which grew off the nerve that runs through there. I can actually feel that fucker with my figer, and if I mess with it my ear goes numb. So long story short kids. 1) wear hearing protection at shows 2) get weird medical shit checked out. If you’d like to learn more about neurofibromatosis please visit www.ctf.org

        • Perhapsjustsniffit@lemmy.ca
          7 months ago

          Oh no I got to be real special. It was leiomyosarcoma. I was a paramedic for years fell down some stairs once with a patient when I was younger. Had some torn muscles and all that. Went on with life for 30 years with “a sore back” all the time. Oh well. Young and dumb right. One day I kicked a kitchen chair leg passing by. Turns out I couldn’t feel my foot…or the the other one either. Within 6 months I was paralyzed chest down. They chopped it out and I got major radiation treatments that will probably give me cancer before I die. Fun times.

          Moral of the story…get your shit checked out.

  • Lauchs@lemmy.world
    7 months ago

    Forgot a lighter which has so far led to 2 weddings and 5 kids?

    In the first week of school, a buddy and I wandered around with beer and joints to various dorms but forgot a lighter. Asking around for one, we made a new friend. Fast forward a couple years, “new friend” let me know about a home for rent opening up. I rounded up some folks (including original buddy) and we rented it. Except one guy was gone for the summer. So, a gal came from out of town to live with there. We became friends, she fell in love and ended up moving here. Between her, her best friend and sister they’ve had 5 kids with partners mostly from that original friend circle.

    So, if I had remembered a lighter way back in first year, we wouldn’t have put a house of folks together, wouldn’t have met gal and her pals and thus a few weddings and kids would’ve happened differently or not at all.