I feel like mines the opposite. I pay $20/mo and we get access to a huge and well taken care of community pool, park, and basketball court. They also host community parties for each holiday that you can go to. They certainly allow you to get your $20 worth. Idk how they do it.
When it comes to architectural control, they’re pretty lax. We’ve got some vibrant and eclectic houses, but they are well put together. I haven’t found anything yet they won’t approve if you stay within a standard palette offering when it comes to shingles, siding etc. But some of these colors are yellows and reds so it’s not all boring either.
They also don’t allow signage in the yard to be displayed. So political signs etc will get you a violation. But it’s just a “remove by x date” and there’s no penalty if you do. I don’t mind this rule.
We do have to keep grass cut to an extent, but my neighbors cut it once a month at most and it’s usually a non issue. Honestly, other than safety things I’ve not seen anything crazy in mine. The two lady’s that operate it are super nice.
Same boat as you. The HOA maintains a pathway in a wetlands reserve right behind the residential area and it costs less than $20/mo.
They don’t really care what you do besides the following: no farm animals/chickens, no structural changes to the homes without a licensed contractor performing the construction, shoot an email to the HOA if you’re going to replace your roof or repaint your house to keep SOME level of uniformity.
Mostly they don’t care. Hell, the CC&R’s and HOA incorporation docs literally say they won’t directly enforce things against you and leave it up to the neighbors to take you to court with the HOA docs/agreements as free ammo. So if you explicitly want to be a menace to your neighbors/piss people off or want to have the only bright ass neon pink home with custom additions in the entire neighborhood - probably not the place for you. Otherwise they’ve had no effect on myself or my neighbors whatsoever and the wetlands/park is really nice.
I took my trash to the dumpster. Later I got a photo of my trash bag in the dumpster because I had tied the bag closed incorrectly and a $200 fine for improper trash bag fastener.
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I live on a crappy golf course, our fees are $89 a month they don’t provide anything, we can’t have fences over 4ft the fence has to be see through, we can only choose certain colors to paint our houses we can’t store trash cans outside we got a notice for a single weed there is constantly people driving around taking pictures it freaking blows we are selling and the next place will have no HOA
My HOA is badass because it’s really just one paranoid nice lady who lets literally anyone know if a trunk is open or if someone suspicious entered, etc. I’d complain about privacy but who the fuck hangs out in hallways?
But they had a nightmare prior to me moving here. Long story short, the former board member ran a slip & fall legal case against herself which paid out to the tune of 4 million. The insurance company refused to fight it (despite the lack of evidence) and instead settled immediately, recouping their costs by raising the building’s costs four fold.
This resulted in high HOA fees while that lady just fucking bought a house and left. Her sister sticks around, though, and on multiple occasions, stolen cars have been in our garage in their spot or in the guest spot as their “guest”.
Now that I said the last part, that’s still happening and I change my answer to that also being my nightmare HOA situation. Lol
About 2014, HOA decided to do some upgrade to our water main coming from the street. The guy came out with a weedeater and damaged my mailbox post. I reported it to the board and they said they would take care of it. Two weeks later I got a violation in the mail for damaged mailbox post. I went to the board website and they told me I had to repair it or face a fine. Right about this time the builder stepped down and handed the HOA to an attorneys office to manage. I reached out to the attorney to forward them the first message and ask them to repair my mailbox post and they said they would send someone out. About a month later I got a notice from the HOA that said this was my third warning (it was my second) and they were going to put a lein on my house if I didn’t pay the fine, fix the mailbox post, and now pay a separate fee to the attorneys office since they were managing it.
I sent the HOA and the attorneys office copies of both of their messages saying they would handle it with a picture of my damaged mailbox post. Three months later, we get the yearly Financials from the board and the attorneys office charged the HOA $1,800 to put a $500 lein on the title of my home that we had paid off after trying to go through my previous mortgage holder’s legal department to try to get the fine out of my escrow that no longer existed.
We sold the house with a damaged mailbox post last year. Our new neighborhood has no HOA.
Wouldn’t let me rent when the housing crash hit and I couldn’t afford the place, wouldn’t let me have friends over late at night because they thought my d&d group were a bunch of drug dealers. All around a miserable experience.
How the fuck do they keep you from having friends over? Also u need a new player for that group?
Mostly the neighbors who don’t pay their dues or needlessly hold up needed improvements.
Our HOA board does a great job, they are volunteers who live in the neighborhood. Our dues used to be $100 a year, plus $150 if you wanted to use the pool. Then the pool needed to be replaced (it was 45 years old) and we didn’t have the money for it, so we changed the dues to $250 and everyone gets access to the pool. That still didn’t raise enough money, so they tried to get everyone to agree to a one-time assessment of $1000 but too many people complained. So they’ve now raised the dues to $350, likely going up to $450 soon.
The good thing about the higher dues is we will now be able to afford a lawyer to go after the 10% of the homes that aren’t paying their dues. And maybe even force the people who are hoarding cars in their yards to have to move them.
Edit to add from a follow up comment;
The change to the dues required a change to the bylaws, which required 100% participation in voting, and required 60% approval. The change passed with over 85% approval. Most HOA dues in our area are $600 - $1000 per year, and many of those don’t have a pool. There are also many places around that don’t have an HOA. The HOA was created at the same time the pool went in, anyone already living in the neighborhood who didn’t want to use the pool didn’t have to join the HOA, we still have a few ‘grandfathered’ homes and I have no issue with them, it’s the people who moved into the neighborhood knowing there’s an HOA and a pool and refuse to pay their share.
Wait so for the folks that didn’t care about the pool, their dues went up 3.5x so far, soon to be 4.5x, for something they didn’t want or use, and you’re surprised they’re not paying? That’s some entitlement right there…
If you don’t want to pay for a pool then don’t move into a neighbor that has a pool. If you don’t want to have an HOA, don’t move somewhere that has one. If you don’t like how the HOA is run, volunteer to help run it.
What you don’t do is hold up the rest of the neighborhood that actually wants to take care of things properly.
The change to the dues required a change to the bylaws, which required 100% participation in voting, and required 60% approval. The change passed with over 85% approval. Most HOA dues in our area are $600 - $1000 per year, and many of those don’t have a pool. There are also many places around that don’t have an HOA.
It sounds like they moved into a neighborhood with an HOA that had an opt in pool and a two tier fee based on usage, and y’all changed that after the fact and are holding the smaller percent who don’t care about the pool hostage. This is part of why no one likes HOAs.
Prior to the pool retrofit could folks still move in and choose whether or not to pay for/use the pool?
Maybe they don’t care about the pool. Fuck an hoa
Then don’t move into a neighborhood that has an HOA and a pool?
Them breathing all my air.