The one about the memorial built in advance for a damn disaster that they all saw coming but did nothing about, except for the memorial of the future victims.
This disaster will have been preventable. All of the warning signs are here now. Yet, no one will have fucking done anything about it.
Sony Releases Stupid Piece Of Shit That Doesn’t Fucking Work. Replace by Sony by Apple and it still fits perfectly.
These comments are proof that The Onion peaked like 15 years ago. They just haven’t been as funny since then.
i dont think its the onions fault, parody just got more difficult when real life is already ridiculous
I like the Taliban guy telling the 911 conspiracy guy that 911 was real.
Without a doubt:
I love the entire “Autistic Reporter” Series for some reason lol
How do I go to prison??
Trump Voter Feels Betrayed By President After Reading 800 Pages Of Queer Theory. Important commentary and funny at the same time.
What’s the actual joke here? It sounds like it’s almost mocking trans literature by how complex it is to understand for the average american. Is that it?
I think that mainly mocks the idea that if only people talked to each other more, communicated with each other more, tried to see things from the others’ perspective, then everything would be great and everyone would arrive at a common conclusion.
The Onion does something really clever: they simply show what the world would be like if feminists actually succeeded in convincing people with their arguments. The end result is comically bizarre and obviously extremely unlikely. The joke/criticism is how disconnected feminists are from the real world with their overly complicated, academic and abstract language, despite the fact that they ostensibly have a goal of influencing ordinary people into being better.
I’ve had this beef for a long time with feminists: they lack empathy and insight into the actual lived experience of the people they want to convince. They’re caught up in an authoritarian, entitled worldview where they imagine they can just coerce others into becoming better through force and shaming, using language that is so far above most people’s heads that it all just seems imaginary. Whenever I try to raise these concerns I am met with hate and am called a misogynist even though my intentions are to help. They have virtually no ability to listen. There are exceptions, but they are drowned out among all the (in my opinion) misguided people.
Second place goes to Memorial Honors Victims Of Imminent Dam Disaster.
I’m just gonna leave this here with no further content…
“Sony Releases Stupid Piece Of Shit That Doesn’t Fucking Work”
@HotWheelsVroom Lmao, I also like that one very much
“It’s functions include… …being all ass backwards fuck”. MagicalBut I’ll still add another great one - Political Talk Show Host Suddenly Very Interested In Manslaughter Law Loopholes (
Prague’s Kafka International Named Most Alienating Airport
And a ‘from-16-years-back’ broadside at the US approaching November:
honorable mention to New Marijuana Study Confirms Everyone Knows You’re High And You Will Be Stoned Forever
because when this was originally uploaded on their website it would play a slightly different version every time you opened the page. So you’d laugh and show your friends, so then even if your (allegedly) stoner ass hadn’t gotten tripped out the first time, while they’re watching it and laughing you’d start sweating.
Second honorable mention to “Is The Government Spying on Schizophrenics Enough?” But I’m honestly still not sure that one’s totally okay, even if I still laugh every single time I watch it. I’m not that type of mentally ill but have had people close to me who struggle enough with it and the very nature of the disorder is such that even though I laugh I’ve always at the same time felt it treads very much on the line.