• schizo@forum.uncomfortable.business
    4 months ago

    As someone who’s been buying (though not intentionally) exclusively AMD laptops for the past 9 years or so, yeah, this resonates pretty well with the user experience.

    I mean, none of the laptops are bad or defective or whatever, but the quality of support and feature support and just the general amount of time it takes to get things pushed out has always been shit compared to Intel stuff.

    AMD can’t manage firmware and software fixes for shit, regardless of product line and if I were an OEM, I’d probably be pissed at their stupid slow bullshit too.

    Example: 2022 G14 was totally getting USB4. Got a beta for it, and then Asus went ‘Fucking AMD isn’t helping or providing stuff we need, so this beta is all you’re getting, go yell at them.’ Is that the whole story? Maybe not, but it certainly feels perfectly reasonable based on how AMD has supported everything prior to that as well, so I tend to think it’s enough of the story to be true.

    Good hardware (mostly), and it’s reliable enough and it does the job, but it’s very much a dont-expect-support kind of experience past the first couple of months after release. (And yes, I know the OEM carries a good portion of responsibility there, but if there’s not a new firmware/microcode/etc from AMD to fix an issue, then what are they supposed to ship to you?)