There's been a bit of a furore in the emulation community lately centred around the PlayStation 1 emulator DuckStation, which has now seen two license changes recently.
Forks are used by developers to not only “fork an application”, but also just to fork the repo, work on their own branches, and push (PR) them back to the main repo. I have forks of many repos, but that doesn’t mean “i have forked the application under a new name”.
does no derivatives mean i can’t press “fork” in its github page…? lmao that’s pretty anti-foss
If it’s on GitHub you are always allowed to press fork; it’s baked into GitHub ToS.
You may or may not have rights to modify that fork or create any releases or other types of distribution from it.
Yeah I believe it would be anti foss. Wonder what license it uses.
Forks are used by developers to not only “fork an application”, but also just to fork the repo, work on their own branches, and push (PR) them back to the main repo. I have forks of many repos, but that doesn’t mean “i have forked the application under a new name”.