Right now, I’m playing the early access version of Baldurs Gate 3. I’m getting ready to put it down (frustrated: BG3 has the potential to be good, but without controller support, I’m getting really frustrated with the UI. ) and switch to Yakuza Like a Dragon.
What are you playing now and what are you looking forward to playing next?
Steam Deck best tech purchase for me in a long time. Don’t judge me too much but I’ve been playing Disney Speedstorm between TotK sessions.
Usually Indies, a lot of slay the spire recently, but I’ve just started Street Fighter VI.
Tempted by System Shock next cos I never played the original.
Disco Elysium. Fantastic writing and pretty hilarious at times.
It’s also pretty good as a portable PC when traveling too, so that’s nice.
Celeste Strawberry Jam
An absolute masterpiece that runs perfectly on the Deck
Not a steamdeck user but a linux pc gamer so solidarity. Currently playing RE2 and Like a dragon Ishin.
Horizon Zero Dawn. Had it on PS4 and didn’t get far. Having a Deck changes everything.
Stardew Valley works nicely with the Steam Deck, though with all the mods it literally takes 10 minutes to load. On the plus side though, the suspend feature basically let’s me just keep the game running for days.
Yeah, baby! Somebody point me in the direction of another Steam Deck subre-… Channel?
I’ve been playing lots of Street Fighter 6, but also Metroidvania indies. Currently playing through They Always Run and it’s pretty much pixel 2d Mandalorian and it’s pretty damn cool!
Vampire Survivors for a while. Lately I just finished up a run through of Pokemon Red and just got started on a run of Pokemon Silver.
Diablo 4 for me! Amazing performance, it can even run on Ultra but battery is sucked dry within 45 minutes
After religiously following the order number tracking efforts on the Steam Deck subreddit (finally got mine May '22) it’s been my ‘clearing the backlog whilst sitting with the significant other’ device…heavily punctuated with Vampire Survivors and, lately, Diablo 4. It’s a great little roguelike device – stuff like Cult of the Lamb, Spelunky 2, and Rogue Legacy 2 – that I can just play for a few minutes wherever the Heck I’d like.
I still find it like holding black magic. I’m a software engineer, and I understand how it works, but playing a Windows port of a PS4 game (like Horizon) in Linux in my hands is something I don’t think I’ll ever not be impressed by!
currently we <3 katamari reroll which is such a perfect fit on the platform it almost hurts
I’ve actually set my Deck up with a wireless keyboard and mouse and a monitor and spend a lot of time using it in desktop mode. The “real” gaming PC is still around, but it’s a fallback. So I’m arguably playing Beehaw on it right now, but I just alt-tabbed away from Overload to do this. I’ll play Guild Wars 2 on it for a while tomorrow…
Been playing TOTK and FF13
I mostly play older games because I’m a bit of a patient gamer. Here are some I’m playing:
- Yakuza 2 - kinda stalled on it, but it runs fantastically on SD; looking forward to finishing the rest of the series
- Okami HD - not sure if it’s a SD issue or the game is weird, but it controls weird; still having fun with it
- Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky - stalled out a bit, but I’ll get back to it
- Nier Replicant - fantastic experience, I’m looking forward to Automata
And games I’m looking forward to:
- Mass Effect Legendary - never played the originals, so it’ll be a treat, but I’m not looking forward to the massive 100GB download
- Alan Wake, Control, and new Alan Wake - haven’t played any, so it’ll be a treat
- Mount & Blade Bannerlord - interested in how the controls will map; I haven’t played this yet, but I have played the original on PC
- tons of smaller indie games - I’ve played a ton and I still have a ton in my library